The 1st IESE-LUISS Conference on Responsibility, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship

Call for Confererence Papers
We call for papers able to shed light on how hybrid organizations come to be and on the innovative solutions they produce in order to generate and sustain their hybridity. Possible themes to be explored by the submitted papers are:
What are the environmental factors facilitating the emergence of hybrid organizations? What elements enhance their survival and, possibly, growth?
What is the role of different types of stakeholders in the creation of hybrid organizations, or in the hybridization of originally non-hybrid organizations? And what is their role in sustaining the organization? How do hybrid organizations manage conflicting stakeholders’ demands (Ramus & Vaccaro, 2014)?
Can we elevate the concept of hybridity above organizations and speak about “hybrid collectives”, such as in the case of profit-nonprofit collaborations (Montgomery et al., 2012; Baur & Palazzo, 2011; Maiolini et al., 2015; Austin & Seitanidi, 2014)?
What kinds of stakeholders are more prone to accept hybridity as the nature of the organization they relate to?
How is social impact conveyed to consumers and workers, and what is the impact of such communication?
What kind of actions by incubators, supporting organizations, movements or public authorities favor the birth of hybrid organizations and their growth?
How do hybrid organizations ignite social change at a larger level (Rimac et al., 2012)? What is the institutional impact of hybrid organizations?
What are the characteristics of the integrated practices allowing both economic value creation and social/environmental impact? What novel theoretical lenses can be used to approach the issue of integration (Mongelli et al., 2013)? How do these practices relate to the business model structure of a hybrid organization?
Are practice-integration strategies more effective and feasible than logic-insulation strategies? What boundary conditions can we draw to perimeter their applicability?
How do practices of hybrid organizations relate to business models, strategies and organizational arrangements?
What are the insights other disciplines (from political science to sociology) can offer on hybridity and positive social change (Stephan et al., 2016)?
These questions are just a few examples of the larger research agenda relative to hybrid organizations, an agenda that will be unfolded during the plenary and parallel sessions of the conference.
SUBMISSION OF RESEARCH PAPERS: DEADLINE December 1st, 2016EXTENDED TO JANUARY 20th, 2017, 12:00 AM (midday) Rome time
Paper must be submitted through the relative form in the submission page. Submitted papers must be in pdf format, unpublished and anonymized. An abstract of about 250 words should be included. The suggested length for papers is about 7,000 words. Please, use the guidelines for authors of the Journal of Business Ethics . Papers will be selected on the basis of academic quality, novelty and the fit with the conference theme. Decision on papers admitted for presentation to the conference will be notified February the 1st, 2017. No comments will be provided to the authors. Please, consider that by submitting your paper you accept to discuss one or more papers in your parallel session and -if needed- to chair one parallel session.
(SAME DEADLINE AS SUBMISSION OF RESEARCH PAPERS: December 1st, 2016) EXTENDED TO JANUARY 20th, 2017, 12:00 AM (midday) Rome time
In order to be admitted to participate in the Ph.D. and Early Career Symposium, Ph.D. students and scholars in their early career have to submit their proposal through the relative form in the submission page. The proposal must be a 3-page document in pdf format composed by 1-page CV and 2-page description of the sumitter's research to be discussed at the Symposium.
Please, note that only a limited number of applications can be accepted for the Ph.D. and Early Career Symposium, while a minimum of Ph.D. students and scholars in their early career must be registered for the Symposium to take place.
Austin, J. E., & M. M. Seitanidi (2014), Creating Value in Nonprofit-Business Collaborations: New Thinking & Practice, Jossey-Bass.
Baur D., & G. Palazzo (2011), “The Moral Legitimacy of NGOs as Partners of Corporations”, Business Ethics Quarterly, 21(4), pp. 579-604.
Maiolini, R., Rullani F., & P. Versari (2015), “Mechanisms and boundaries of collective action in social Entrepreneurship”, Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2014, No. 1, p. 16607.
Mongelli, L., Rullani, F. & P. Versari (2013), “Hybridization of diverging institutional logics through the `common tone´: the case of social entrepreneurship”, Working Paper, Druid Conference 2013.
Montgomery, A. W., Dacin, P. A., & M. T. Dacin (2012), “Collective Social Entrepreneurship: Collaboratively Shaping Social Good”, Journal of Business Ethics, 111(3), pp. 375–388.
Ramus, T., & A. Vaccaro (2014), “Stakeholders Matter: How Social Enterprises Address Mission Drift”, Journal of Business Ethics, pp. 1-16.
Rimac, T., Mair, J. & J. Battilana (2012), “Social Entrepreneurs, Socialization Processes, and Social Change: The Case of SEKEM”, in K. Golden-Biddle & J. E. Dutton, (Eds.), Using a Positive Lens to Explore Social Change and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation, Routledge, pp. 71-89.
Stephan, U., Patterson, M., Kelly, C. & Mair, J. (2016). "Organizations driving positive social change: A review and an integrative framework of change processes". Journal of Management, forthcoming.