ICWF - VI International Conference of Work and Family
"Balance, Technology,
and Globalization"
Barcelona, July 1-2, 2015
“Balance, Technology, and Globalization”
July 1-2, 2015
IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the VI International Conference of Work and Family. The Conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain and it is organized by the International Center for Work and Family of IESE Business School.
The International Center for Work and Family founded an academic forum in 2005 –the International Conference of Work and Family- to create a vision and to build theory, with special attention to the cross-cultural dimension and the application of theory in an organizational context.
The sixth bi-annual International Conference of Work & Family aims to focus on Balance, Technology, and Globalization.
In an age in which information technology has brought the promise of autonomy and control by allowing asynchronous communications; in which work systems have enabled people to work from various times and locations; in which work and non-work boundaries have as a result been blurred; the work and family interface need to be reconsidered. We are specifically interested in papers that focus on new perspectives in work-family that address a wide range of topics current problems, and contribute with solutions to those problems. For example, what are the impacts of changes in the global economy? How do global workers cope with work-family issues? How does information technology impact work-family dynamics?
The Conference will take place in July 1st and 2nd at IESE Campus in Barcelona.
Proposals for the different options should be submitted through the electronic system available in this site.
IESE is a dynamic community of scholars and practitioners that will welcome you to Barcelona, a traditional and welcoming Mediterranean city. It is a privileged city, with a great number of tourist attractions and a friendly atmosphere that will offer conference participants and their families plenty of opportunities to enjoy their stay here over and above the academic program we are preparing for you.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at IESE, in Barcelona!
Prof. Ph.D Nuria Chinchilla
International Center of Work and Family
IESE Business School.
Prof. Ph.D Mireia Las Heras
Academic Director
International Center of Work and Family
IESE Business School.