20th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society

Tracks and Tentative Topics
Possible Topics for Paper Submissions
Conceptual papers, as well as empirical research, including case studies, are welcome.
A collection of papers will be published in a special issue of one of the major journals of the field [currently in process of negotiation]. The selection process will consider both the academic quality of the paper and its proximity to the general theme of the Symposium.
Relevant topics for submissions may address, but are not restricted to, the following:
- Ethical challenges in technological unemployment. Managing technological disruption responsibly within the firm. Public policy measures. The role of social entrepreneurship.
- New business models in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Ethical, legal and social debates around the on-demand economy. Transparency and accountability. Changes in structures, working conditions and careers.
- The transformation of professions. Interaction between humans and machines. Human creativity vs. artificial intelligence in decision-making. The human dimension of care in healthcare and other person-centered professions.
- Educational challenges. Lifelong learning and talent management. The transformative effect of technology in developing countries.
- Impact of technology on labor and management conditions. Ethical responsibilities towards employees. Challenges regarding labor rights. Impact on work–life balance. Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
- The meaning of work: philosophical and theological perspectives. Liberal and Marxian approaches to work. Existential approaches to work and the meaning of work. Aristotelian and virtue ethics approaches. Work and the common good. Ethical concerns of posthumanism and transhumanism. The meaning of work in religious traditions. Theology of work and the meaning of work. Catholic Social Teaching and the meaning of work.
- Spirituality in the workplace. Spirituality of work and organizations. Managing workplace spirituality.
- Defining meaningful work. Ethical and psychological perspectives on meaningful work. Workplace policies fostering meaningful work. Meaningful work and purpose in organizations.
- The transformation of work in the arts. Early industrialization in literature. The corporation and the workplace in the seventh art. Science-fiction intuitions about the future of work.
- February 13, 2018: Paper proposal of about 1000 words, explaining the aim, methodology, possible findings and relevant references.
- March 6, 2018: Response to authors, informing them of acceptance of their proposals.
- June 5, 2018: Deadline for receiving full papers. Authors interested in submitting their paper for the special issue of the Journal should make their interest explicit in the cover page. An abstract of about 250 words should be included. Length suggested for papers is about 7000 words.
- July 25, 2018: Response to authors of accepted papers for a review process for publication in a special issue of one of the major journals of the field [currently in process of negotiation]
- The official language of the Symposium is English.
- Please send proposals using the paper submission platform at www.iese.edu/20symposium.
- We suggest using Times New Roman 12-point font and a line spacing of 1.5 lines. Place do not insert a line between each paragraph. Title pages are not necessary. Employ endnotes, place page numbers in the lower right corner, and use the style guidelines of the Journal of Business Ethics for paper style and references.