20th Healthcare Industry Meeting

The rules of the game in healthcare are changing. Growing financial pressures, population aging, new technologies and globalization are creating disruptions to traditional ways of financing and providing care in both the public and the private sector.
Medicine is now becoming more personalized and, with longevity shifting the burden of disease from acute to chronic conditions, there is growing focus on prevention and wellness, with patients taking a central role. Meanwhile, cost pressures in the industry emphasize the need to seek efficiency. In this context, partnerships among health providers, the industry, insurers, patients and families are key.
It is now more urgent than ever to rethink the way in which the different participants in healthcare interact and share new perspectives, and to make the change happen.
The 20th Meeting of the Healthcare Industry, coorganized with KPMG, offers a first-class platform for top executives, academics and healthcare professionals to share their experiences and seek innovative ways to respond to the incredible changes affecting the industry. It will include keynote speakers who will discuss their insight on the current state and future of the industry, as well as several panels whose members will share experiences and impressions about the key topics in today's healthcare industry.
This meeting is aimed at entrepreneurs, presidents, managing directors, CEOs and senior executives in the pharmaceutical industry, the health-technology sector, hospitals and anyone working in the healthcare industry. It will also appeal to people responsible for government healthcare policies and public healthcare institutions.
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