16th Fashion and Luxury Goods Industry Meeting
Silver Linings
In the face of continued uncertainty about the prospect of macroeconomic growth, the future of the industry looks nebulous, with complex global, digital and political landscapes that are proving hard to predict. How will slowing growth in China hit the industry? And are there silver linings? Will the industry’s uncertainties be offset by the fast-moving opportunities emerging from digital technologies? Fashion and luxury goods companies were digital laggards, and yet now they are fully embracing digital technologies throughout the value chain. It is still unclear, however, how firms can harness these technologies. On the consumer side, rising awareness of sustainability is creating opportunities for new brands, but to what degree is a sustainability identity compatible with a luxury fashion image? What can established brands do to rise to this challenge? These are some of the questions of the 2016 IESE Meeting which will unite key decision makers in the industry, for the purpose of sharing diverse experiences, strategies and solutions.