
The tools you need to succeed in our programs and beyond.


The support you require to continuously progress.


The latest ideas and thinking to work and lead better.


The tools you need to succeed in our programs and beyond.


The support you require to continuously progress.


The latest ideas and thinking to work and lead better.

We’re committed

  • You’ll find an increasing number of women in our degree programs:
  • Our PDD Flex — aimed at functional directors — has a blended format, including live online modules and three in-person modules. The program has been particularly successful among participants looking for IESE’s academic rigor combined with lots of flexibility.
  • Our program Mujeres en consejos de administración is specifically designed for women in senior leadership.

Financial Aid

Across our programs, you’ll find loans and scholarships earmarked for women with an exceptional track record or potential. Those include:

  • IESE Women in Business Scholarship
  • IESE Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Scholarship
  • IESE Women in Management Scholarship
  • Woman Talent Scholarship

You can find information on scholarships for women here, and also ask about funding options in the program you’re interested in.

We’re close

Groups & Clubs

  • Dedicated to ensuring that women advance in leadership, the Women Executive Club is for at women who have completed an Executive Education program at IESE.
  • For Executive MBA graduates, the Women Executive MBA (WEMBA) Club will keep you connected with others with similar experiences.
  • The Women in Business Club is one of our most active MBA clubs, organizing talks, networking events and a yearly conference.
  • The IESE Women in Leadership (I-WiL) network, led by Prof. Nuria Chinchilla, organizes monthly networking lunches and breakfasts, bringing in speakers to explore different aspects of female leadership.

Conferences & Events

We’re creative


Endowed Chairs & Centers:

Short list of IESE-led research:

For additional research, check out our Insight knowledge portal.

More Food for Thought

Women win. Companies win. Society wins.



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