Library News
During the week of May 5-12, 2021, EBSCO will be upgrading key pieces of the EBSCO eBooks and EBSCO Audiobooks systems. This upgrade will ensure long-term system stability.
During this timeframe, users will be able to read eBooks online and download chapters, also read previously downloaded eBooks. However, some workflows will be impacted:
–Downloading full eBooks from EBSCOhost, EBSCO Discovery Service, New Discovery Service:
End users will not be able to download full eBooks to read offline from EBSCOhost, EBSCO Discovery Service, and New Discovery Service. They will be able to read eBooks online and download eBook chapters, and any eBooks already downloaded will continue be available to users.
–eBooks in EBSCO Mobile App:
End users will not be able to download full eBooks to read offline from the EBSCO Mobile App. They will be able to like eBooks to download later, and any eBooks already downloaded will continue be available to users in the app.
See more info at EBSCO Connect.