Library News
The Library will be holding a special webinar about the MarketLine database next Thursday, March 13, at 1 p.m. for IESE MBA and PhD students, faculty and research assistants. The session will last approximately an hour.
Marketline (GlobalData Plc) trainer Malgorzata Kaba will introduce MarketLine database. You will be taken through all the key areas on platform, from analysis reports to interactive databases. After the session, you should feel confident in where to search for certain data and how to interpret and download this information.
About the database:
Company, industry, financial, and country information extending across every major marketplace worldwide. Also includes the following additional databases: Consumer Data Analytics, Country & Cities Statistics, Company Prospector, Company Report Generator, Deals, News and Influencers.
How to access MarketLine?
Access campus-wide and off campus, from the Top Databases menu on the Library homepage, clicking on MarketLine, or from the A-Z Databases page.
[You will receive the Zoom Meeting link by email or Ask us]