Understand, align, innovate and commit to building a more sustainable world
The time for talk has ended and the time for urgent action is now. And business must take the lead, first by understanding the scale and scope of the challenges ahead; then aligning operations and stakeholders accordingly; innovating bold and ambitious solutions; and making clear, measurable commitments toward a more sustainable world.
John Elkington: “We need to go faster”
The world authority on sustainable development discusses what is meant by Green Swans and why, despite foot-dragging by businesses, he is more optimistic than he has been for many years.
A cellulose-waste business model, involving coffee and mushrooms, captures the holistic nature of Gunter Pauli’s world-changing vision.
Enric Asuncion: “Sustainability is our engine of innovation”
What’s behind the turbo-charged growth of Wallbox? Its CEO, who quit his job at Tesla to cofound the electric vehicle charging startup, explains how he did it and how the Spanish firm came to trade on the New York Stock Exchange.
Friedman’s concern that “the doctrine of ‘social responsibility’ taken seriously would extend the scope of the political mechanism to every human activity” is not necessarily a bad thing, says IESE’s Fabrizio Ferraro, especially when it comes to addressing climate change.
The Big Picture: Know this before negotiating your salary
As a job candidate, you’d be leaving a lot of money on the table if you agreed on a salary based merely on the high/low alternatives presented to you. Here is what else you should analyze before you enter into a salary negotiation.
Unlock the potential of new technologies amid high uncertainty
When will self-driving cars really roll out? With emerging technologies, managers face many “unknown unknowns” developing novel products. IESE’s Thomas Klueter recommends a structured approach to unbundling and managing uncertainty.
How to leverage scientific advances in your company
Publicly funded research laboratories are where innovations as disruptive as the World Wide Web continue to be born. But the process of getting scientific discoveries out of the lab and into the market hasn’t been smooth. How might it be systematized?
Resource flexibility: how it can unlock better decision-making through learning
Investing in flexible resources, as opposed to dedicated (task-specific) ones, can yield better data from which managers can learn more about underlying business trends. Discover the previously unexplored learning benefits of flexibility.
Suntory CEO Tak Niinami: “Harmony with people and nature is in our DNA”
The chief executive of one of the world’s leading consumer products and beverage companies explains his business philosophy in this interview. He also shares his views on partnering with competitors for sustainability’s sake.
Economist Amartya Sen on growth in human terms
Human development is at the heart of the work of the award-winning economist and philosopher Amartya Sen. Speaking with IESE’s Marta Elvira, Sen underscores the importance of learning and communicating for advancing society.
Indian social entrepreneur Gopala Krishnan aims to improve the health of his nation by leveraging the capabilities of others.
Mindsets of the future: recommendations to face whatever’s next
Five recommendations to help approach the future with the right mindset — and five active tips from the desk of IESE’s Javier Diaz-Gimenez.
Culture wars: Take a stand or sit them out?
By Yago de la Cierva
Before you stake a position and your reputation on a controversial issue, make sure you know where your company stands. Follow this advice for choosing your words and your battles carefully.
In search of the common good
By Michael J. Sandel
In a polarized world with rising inequality, might it be time for us to rethink what it means to be a productive citizen and bring dignity back to work?
Mend your supply chain to prevent a brand disaster
By Anna Saez de Tejada Cuenca, Felipe Caro and Leonard Lane
Would you know if your suppliers were using unauthorized subcontractors? Research from the fashion industry reveals some key predictors of the practice. Knowing these can help you sew up your supply chain’s loose ends.
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson: “Never trust atoms because they make everything up”
How to use humor, dignity and respect to reach people as a leader. An enlightening talk with star astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, interviewed by IESE’s Bill Baker.