IESE Insight
Enterprising Solutions in Times of Transition
IESE Insight 22
When the bar is raised, you have to jump higher. This magazine will inspire you to think like an entrepreneur. M. Julia Prats, Marc Sosna and Sylwia Sysko-Romanczuk share the insights of business pioneers who launched private companies in Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Tony Dávila and Marc Epstein challenge the myth that breakthrough innovation is the sole terrain of start-ups and show that established companies can change the rules of the game, too. Filipe Santos highlights four crucial ways that social entrepreneurship offers a grassroots alternative to the usual way of doing business. Neil Rackham argues that customers today want value, so salespeople need to start creating it rather than merely communicating it. Juan Roure and Juan Luis Segurado suggest the entrepreneurial factors that ensure family businesses' wealth-creation activities happen in sustainable ways for generations to come. Politician-turned-businessman George Yeo encourages business people to adapt or die. Executives propose how to overcome the barriers that new ideas often run up against inside large organizations, based on the case of Samsung. David Marquet, a former submarine captain, explains how he brought his ship from worst to first by giving control, not taking it.