Transforming through Open Innovation

Achieving profitable growth stands as a central objective for many companies in today’s business landscape. Nevertheless, the emergence of new technologies, environmental shocks, and ongoing change have begun to impact the foundational premises of businesses. In this rapidly evolving landscape, digitalization has become a pivotal pathway for organizations to thrive.

Considering the accelerating pace at which these transformations unfold and the complexity of generating innovative solutions solely within the organization, companies are increasingly turning to digitalization as a means to adapt and excel. This reality has spurred remarkable growth in what is now recognized as Open Innovation, with a particular surge in Corporate Venturing. The latter is defined as the collaboration between established companies seeking solutions and growth opportunities, in diverse types of partnership with startups. This strategic integration of digital technologies and external partnerships is at the heart of the digitalization pathway.

October 3, 2024
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Live Online
October 3-17, 2024


Anna Vera | Program Director
(+34) 93 253 43 95

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