Exceptional Learning For Your Career.

IESE stands as the leading global learning institution for executive leaders like yourself to stay at the forefront of professional competence. Our first Certificate in AI & Digital Transformation will establish you as a qualified specialist in the ever-evolving digital field.

One of the reasons our Certificate in AI & Digital Transformation stands out is the fact that you can customize it to meet your needs. Unlike traditional programs that require a limited curriculum, our certificate allows you to tailor your learning journey to the most relevant subjects for you. This means that each module taken —both in-person and online— will align completely with your career goals.  Let’s delve further into this personalized approach.

Focused Programs.
Choose 1 Focused Program from the 5 available options as an entry point.
Specialization Modules.
Add 3 Specialization Modules from the 7 available options to personalize your learning journey.

Benefits of our Certificate in AI & Digital Transformation.


MASTERING the Technological Landscape

Gain insights to make informed decisions ahead of your competitors by learning about the latest and upcoming technological trends. This strategic approach enables confident decision-making skills.


ANTICIPATING Technological Benefits and Risks

Armed with advanced insights, you’ll be able to determine whether implementing certain digital and AI technologies is the right move for your business. Learn to make strategic choices while others may still be navigating through trial and error.


INTEGRATING the AI on your processes

Develop the skills necessary to incorporate digital technologies and AI into your business operations effectively, enhancing your professional capabilities and setting a strong example for others to follow.


DEFINING the Future of Transformation

As a visionary in your domain, your insights will become the gold standard for guiding innovation and shaping the transformation culture. Take the leadership and ensure that innovation aligns with your strategic vision, promoting change with wisdom and respect for diverse viewpoints.


MASTERING the Technological Landscape

Gain insights to make informed decisions ahead of your competitors by learning about the latest and upcoming technological trends. This strategic approach enables confident decision-making skills.


ANTICIPATING Technological Benefits and Risks

Armed with advanced insights, you’ll be able to determine whether implementing certain digital and AI technologies is the right move for your business. Learn to make strategic choices while others may still be navigating through trial and error.


INTEGRATING the AI on your processes

Develop the skills necessary to incorporate digital technologies and AI into your business operations effectively, enhancing your professional capabilities and setting a strong example for others to follow.


DEFINING the Future of Transformation

As a visionary in your domain, your insights will become the gold standard for guiding innovation and shaping the transformation culture. Take the leadership and ensure that innovation aligns with your strategic vision, promoting change with wisdom and respect for diverse viewpoints.

What is a Focused Program?

Liderar el cambio digital: datos, agilidad e innovación continua

Liderar el cambio digital: datos, agilidad e innovación continua

El programa está dirigido a directivos que desean identificar, evaluar y comprender el impacto de la transformación digital en sus áreas de responsabilidad. Es decir, a todos aquellos que aspiran a desempeñar un papel activo en sus organizaciones y equipos para garantizar el éxito en la implementación de dicha transformación digital, haciendo énfasis en cómo aterrizar tecnologías digitales como la IA en las nuevas propuestas de valor.

  • Formato: blended; online y presencial Barcelona
  • Duración: 3,5 días + módulo online
  • Idioma: castellano
  • Precio: 4.600 €

Fecha: 18 de noviembre de 2024

Artificial Intelligence for Executives

Artificial Intelligence for Executives

It can be quite a challenge to see how fast artificial intelligence is evolving and feel left behind when it comes to leveraging its full potential. Professionals not versed in the latest AI innovations may soon find their expertise becomes less relevant. Conversely, those who have kept pace with AI advancements could be at a significant advantage. Designed for individuals without a technical background, our program demystifies the latest trends in AI. Receive the knowledge to engage in discussions and decision-making processes. Stay prepared at the forefront of your field.

  • Format: On campus, Barcelona, and Munich
  • Length: 4 days
  • Language: English
  • Fee: €5,900

English editions:
Munich – November 25, 2024
Barcelona – March 18, 2024

Transformación Digital. Programa de Alta Dirección

Transformación Digital. Programa de Alta Dirección

Este programa está diseñado para profesionales de la alta dirección, miembros de comités de dirección y de consejos de administración o ejecutores de la transformación digital. Acompañado de un claustro de profesores altamente cualificado, te ofrece la oportunidad de comprender a fondo el panorama digital actual, conseguir interiorizar una nueva mentalidad digital, trabajar la estrategia empresarial y plantear el recorrido hacia esta transformación.

  • Formato: blended; presencial (módulos en Madrid y Barcelona) y online.
  • Duración: 9 días en 3 módulos de 3 días + 8 sesiones live online.
  • Idioma: español
  • Precio: 14.500 €

Fecha: 27 de febrero de 2025

Executing Digital Change: Data, Agility and Continuous Innovation

Executing Digital Change: Data, Agility and Continuous Innovation

Designed with visionary leaders in mind, this program is designed for executives who are keen to play an active role in implementing digital transformation across their organizations and teams implementation across their organizations and teams. It’s a call to action to those who want to be more than participants in the digital era and, instead, become the architects of it within the business domain. In addition, entrepreneurs launching new businesses will acquire invaluable insights into how to succeed in the digital marketplace. Be part of a community of forward-thinkers in an ever-evolving digital environment.

  • Format: Blended; on campus + live online
  • Length: 3,5 days + online module
  • Language: English
  • Fee: €5,500

English edition: May 5, 2025

Inteligencia Artificial para ejecutivos

Inteligencia Artificial para ejecutivos

El programa está especialmente diseñado para líderes empresariales y ejecutivos de diversas empresas y sectores que desean afrontar nuevos proyectos basados en inteligencia artificial en su trabajo, organización y entorno competitivo. En este programa explorarás la inteligencia artificial desde una perspectiva empresarial, en lugar de centrarte en aspectos tecnológicos. Es importante destacar que no requerirás de experiencia en tecnologías de la información (TI) para participar.

  • Formato: live online
  • Duración: 5 semanas
  • Idioma: español
  • Precio: 3.800 €

Edición en español: 2 de junio 2025

What Are Specialization Modules?

The following features are included in these modules:

  • Format: Online
  • Length: 9 sessions
  • Language: English / Spanish
  • Fee: €5,700 the 3 Modules
  • Sessions include:
    • One kick-off session
    • 4 connections consisting of two sessions over 2 to 3 weeks.
    • Each connection lasts for 2,5 / 3 hours aprox.

We help you to personalize your Certificate:

English Certificate
Anna Vera, Director

Spanish Certificate
Mª Jesús Biechy, Director

Customize your digital certificate with us