Observatory for Responsibility and Sustainability in Cosmetics
The Observatory for Responsibility and Sustainability in Cosmetics is a research joint venture between IESE’s Center for Business in Society, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich – Chair of Technology and Innovation Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics and ESSEC Business School.
The aim of the observatory is to explore and analyze issues in cosmetics related to: corporate social responsibility, industry social responsibility, sustainability, product transparency, etc.
The main activities of the observatory include:
♦ Support to doctoral projects and theses in the cosmetic sector
♦ Development of scientific projects related to social responsibility and sustainability in the cosmetic sector
♦ Organization of seminars with experts of the cosmetic sector for MBA and business executive courses
♦ Publication of scientific papers in top peer-reviewed scientific journals
♦ Publication of cases and teaching notes related to responsibility and sustainability issues in the cosmetic sector
♦ Publication of articles in newspapers and magazines for the general public
♦ Organization of ad-hoc seminars on responsibility and sustainability in the cosmetic sector within international scientific conferences in organization and management science
Partner Institutions.
Highlighted Activities.
- March 2022, Dr. Silvia Velmer (IESE-ETH), “Leveraging ethical claims for non ethical purposes”, doctoral seminar.
- February 2022, Dott. Salvatore D’Acunto (European Union), “Responsibility and sustainability issues in the cosmetics sector”, MBA seminar, Barcelona.
- October 2021, seminar on “Compliance and accountability issues in Cosmetics, GEMBA seminar Toronto.
- October 2021, seminar on: “Compliance and accountability issues in Cosmetics”, Program Compliance para Alta Direccion, Buenos Aires.
- September 2021, activation Ph.D doctoral research for Eduardo Notario (doctoral scholarship granted by Rotterdam Business School)
- July 2021, Prof. Antonino Vaccaro, “Ethical and Responsibility Challenges in Cosmetics”, AMP Seminar, Munich
- June 2021, Prof. Antonino Vaccaro, “Ethical and Responsibility Challenges in Cosmetics”, GEMBA Seminar, Dubai
- February 2021, Prof. Antonino Vaccaro, “Responsibility and accountability issues in the cosmetic sector”, MBA seminar, Barcelona
- December 2020, Emmanuel Lulin, Chief Ethics Officer L’oreal, seminar on “The role of the Chief Ethics Officer in L’Oreal”, GEMBA seminar, Barcelona
- September 2019, activation Ph.D doctoral research for Silvia Velmer (doctoral scholarship granted by IESE Business School)
- February 2018, Master thesis at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics: Friederieke Garbers. 2018. Sustainability & decoupling : an exploration of causes and effects. (Advisor: Prof. Tommaso Ramus). https://repositorio.ucp.pt/handle/10400.14/26240
- May 2018, Master thesis at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics: Franziska Mueller. 2018.The challenge of organizational hybridity : an investigation of Unilever’s endeavor to reconcile the Commercial and Sustainability Logic. (Advisor: Prof. Tommaso Ramus). https://repositorio.ucp.pt/handle/10400.14/25408
Scientific references.
The scientific reference for each of the institutions involved are:
- Prof. Antonino Vaccaro, Academic Director, Center for Business in Society – IESE Business School
- Prof. Joep Cornelissen, Professor of Corporate Communication and Management – Rotterdam Business School
- Prof. Stefano Brusoni, Chair of Technology and Innovation Management – Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
- Prof. Tommaso Ramus, Associate Dean for Faculty Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics