Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center (EIC)
Director: Mª Júlia Prats
Our mission is to foster entrepreneurship and innovation by developing activities that have substantial and positive impact at all stages of the entrepreneurial process.
Our work combines the interests of the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems, both within and outside IESE. We collaborate with leaders from around the world to contribute to the improvement of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.

Josep M. Casas

David Frodsham

Javier Hernandez

Peter Kelly

Mauricio Prieto
Journal Articles (refereed)
Journal Articles (refereed)
SIOTA, J., PRATS, M. J. (2022). The Three internal barriers to deep-tech corporate venturing. Chief innovation officers must tackle not-invented-here syndrome, risk aversion, and top-down cultures to successfully collaborate with deep-tech startups.. MIT Sloan Management Review.
MOREIRA, S., KLUETER, T. M., TASSELLI, S. (2020). Competition, Technology Licensing-in, and Innovation. Organization Science, 31 (4), 1012-1036. doi:10.1287/orsc.2019.1337.
MOREIRA, S., MARKUS, A., LAURSEN, K. (2018). Knowledge Diversity and Coordination: The Effect of Intrafirm Inventor Task Networks on Absorption Speed. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (9), 2517 - 2546. doi:10.1002/smj.2914.
Working Papers
Working Papers
NUENO, P. (2018). Jubilado ¿y ahora qué? Emprender en la jubilación. El business plan perfecto para una nueva etapa de la vida. Barcelona: Plataforma Editorial.
NUENO, P. (2017). The 2020 Board: The Future of Company Boards.
NUENO, P. (2017). Thank you, China. China's influence in the world is decisive in the 21st Century. Barcelona: Plataforma Editorial.
Non-refereed articles
Non-refereed articles
GARUD, R., SNIHUR, Y., THOMAS, L. D. W., PHILLIPS, N. (2025). How Founders can avoid the deception trap. Harvard Business Review.
PRATS, M. J. (2022). Adopting a retail phygital experience via open innovation. The Story of WOW. Blog IESE.
PRATS, J., SIOTA, J. (2021). Corporate venturing enablers. How they help open innovation. IESE Insight.
KOWALEWSKI, A.-S., KELLY, P., SIMON, J., JOHNSON, R. (2024). International Search Funds - 2024. Selected Observations. IESE.
SIOTA, J., KOWSZYK, Y., PRATS, M. J. (2024). European deep-tech scaleups. Go-to-market strategy. IESE, Barcelona, Spain.
SIOTA, J., KOWSZYK, Y., PRATS, M. J. (2024). European deep-tech scaleups. Strong board strategy. IESE, Barcelona, Spain.
PRATS, M. J., DONNELLY, C. (2024). TDK ventures, aligning corporate strategy with venture innovation. IESE.
PEETERS, C., ZOTT, C. (2020). Aparkalo (A): Dynamizing a Sleepy Industry. IESE, E-208-E.
PEETERS, C., ZOTT, C. (2020). Aparkalo (C): Normal Crisis or Sudden Death? IESE, E-210-E.
Technical Notes
Technical Notes
SIMON, J. (2020). Letter to a Young Operator on Managing During a Crisis. IESE, EN-34-E.
CASTELLTORT, A., ROURE, J. (2016). Emprendiendo en la era lean: ¿Por qué nos adentramos en ella? IESE, EN-20.
NIEBOER, I., CARENZO, M., DÁVILA, A. (2012). Diez preguntas a tener en cuenta antes de hacer una adquisición emprendedora. IESE, EN-15.