Machine Learning for Textual and Unstructured Data.

Fundación Ramón Areces - IESE Business School Seminar · June 19-23, 2023

Seminar information.

Applying to the seminar.

This seminar is aimed at academics and researchers in the fields of finance, economics, and accounting. If you wish to take part in this seminar, you must pre-register online through the link before March 31, 2023 and upload the following documents:

  • Currículum Vítae (in English).
  • Personal statement, in English, on why you want to attend the program (maximum 400 words).

Places are limited to 70 participants for the 5-day program. Successful candidates will be offered a place on merit by a Selection Committee consisting of representatives of IESE and Fundación Ramón Areces. Although this communication was originally scheduled for April 14, due to the high volume of applicants (the Admission Committee increased the number of admitted participants from 50 to 70) the final decision has been slightly delayed. Many thanks for your understanding.

For any questions on the program or the registration process, please contact us at




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