Education for Jobs Initiative
Defining the professional competencies of tomorrow
The Education for Jobs Initiative is a multidisciplinary project aimed at understanding the evolution of the professional competencies that companies – which require the professional services of people – will need in the coming years.
Education and the development of professional competencies are essential factors in employment and unemployment, especially among young people. Educational institutions play an important role in this process, but it is companies that define the competencies needed and that take the ultimate decision on hiring.
We believe companies must play a key role in the process of defining competencies and capacities that the educational model must cover to ensure jobs for the future. Companies are the ones that possess the knowledge of the profiles and training they will need in the future.
This initiative is aimed at helping companies define and systemize these future professional competencies and at embarking on a dialogue with educational institutions to improve the quality of educational processes, and, ultimately, the employability of young people.
What competences do companies expect to find in young people?
Education is one of the main factors behind youth unemployment. Our society requires an educational system that is high quality and agile, and capable of responding to the changing needs of companies and society itself. Professional competencies have changed at a much faster pace than the educational system’s ability to respond, which has created a clear gap between the capacities required and the jobs on offer.
The future of work requires understanding the knowledge and capacities that companies will need in the coming years. Companies are ultimately the ones who create jobs, and they play a fundamental role in defining the professional competencies that must be developed to guarantee the employability of young people in the future. Workers with lower training levels suffer higher unemployment rates than those with medium levels and, above all, than those with high professional or university-level studies.
Oportunidades y retos empresariales en la implantación de la Formación Profesional Dual: el punto de vista de las empresas (download the full report)
Roundtable with Marta Machicot, chief people officer, Telefónica; Antonio Lasaga, HR director, Airbus España; and Carmen Muñoz, EMD people and organization, Repsol → Watch the panel
Retos empresariales y competencias profesionales necesarias después de la COVID-19: el impacto sobre el empleo juvenil (download the full report)
- Survey (download in Spanish)
- Executive Summary (download in English)
Jordi Canals Interviews Rosa García, President of Exolum → Watch the interview
Las competencias profesionales del futuro: un diagnóstico y un plan de acción para promover el empleo juvenil después de la COVID-19 (download the full report in Spanish)
- Survey (download in Spanish)
- Executive Summary: The Professional Competences of the Future: A Diagnosis and An Action Plan to Promote Youth Employment After Covid-19 (download in English)
Jordi Canals Interviews Tobías Martinez, CEO of Cellnex → Watch the interview
El futuro del empleo y las competencias profesionales del futuro: la perspectiva de las empresas (download the full report)
- Survey: Desarrollo de las competencias profesionales del futuro (download in Spanish)
- Executive Summary: The Professional Competences of the Future: A Diagnosis and An Action Plan to Promote Youth Employment After Covid-19 (download in English)
- Jaunotte, F; Melina, G; Rockall, E; Pizzinelli, C; Panton, A; Mendez, M; Cazzaniga, M; Li, L. (2023) Gen-AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work. January 2024. IMF
- McKinsey Global Institute (2023). Generative AI and the future of work in America.
OECD (2023). Employment Outlook 2023. - Pizzinelli, C; Panton, A; Mendez, M; Cazzaniga, M; Li, L. (2023) Labor Market Exposure to AI: Cross-country Differences and Distributional Implications. October 2023. IMF
- World Economic Forum (2023). The Future of Jobs Report 2023.
- Bain (2022) The working future: More human, no less
- IMF (2022) Europe’s job retention schemes contained unemployment, but challenges remain
- IMF (2022). Inequality in the Spanish labor market during the COVID-19 crisis
- Manpower Group (2022). The great realization
- OECD (2022). Employment outlook.
- CEPS (2021), “Labour market responses to the COVID-19 crisis in the United States and Europe”
- PwC (2021), “What´s next for America post COVID-19 workforce”
- BCG (2021), “Decoding global ways of working”
- McKinsey (2021), “The future of work after COVID-19”
- IMF (2021), “Pandemics and automation, will lost Jobs come back?”
- European Commission (2020), “Labor market and wage developments in Europe”
- KPMG (2020), “The future of work: lessons from a pandemic”
- McKinsey (2020), “How automation, migration and COVID-19 are shifting the geography of employment in Europe”
- Deloitte (2020), “Workforce strategies for post-COVID recovery”
- OCDE (2019), “The Future of Work. Employment Outlook”
- World Economic Forum in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group (2019), “Towards a Reskilling Revolution. Industry-Led Action for the Future of Work”
- McKinsey Global Institute (2019),“The Future of Work in America”
- World Economic Forum (2019), “Data Science in the New Economy. A new race for talent in the Fourth Industrial Revolution”
- McKinsey Global Institute (2018), “Skill Shift Automation and the Future of the Workforce”, McKinsey&Company
- Harris, K., A. Kimson, y A. Schwedel, A. (2018), “Labor 2030: The Collision of Demographics, Automation and Inequality”, Bain & Company
- World Economic Forum (2018), “The Future of Jobs Report”
- OCDE (2018), Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018: Preparing for the Future of Work, OECD Publishing, París
- Funcas (2024). Empleo: no es oro todo lo que reluce.
- Funcas (2024). Spain´s labour market: recent evolution and key challenges.
- Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social (2024). Análisis del Mercado de trabajo. Informe trimestral, Febrero de 2024.
- Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social (2024). Jóvenes y mercado de trabajo, 2023, T4.
- IMF (2022). Regional disparities in Europe
- Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social (2022). Young people and the labor market. September 2022
- Círculo de Empresarios (2018), “Jóvenes Ilusionados con su Futuro”
- Bentolila, S., J. I. García-Pérez, y M. Jansen (2017), “Are the Spanish Long-Term Unemployed Unemployable?”, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, SERIEs, vol. 8(1), pp. 1-41
- Dolado, J., et al. (2013), “Youth Labour Market Performance in Spain and its Determinants: A Micro-Level Perspective”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, n.º 1039, OECD Publishing, París
- Gortázar, L. (2018), “Transformación digital y consecuencias para el empleo en España: una revisión de la investigación reciente”, Working Papers 2018/04, FEDEA
Initiatives and websites of interest:
- Fundación Bertelsman por el empleo juvenil. Garantía Juvenil en España: ¿Qué podemos aprender de experiencias internacionales?
- Skills and work data, OCDE
- Employment indicators, Eurostat
- Jóvenes y Mercado de Trabajo, Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social
- Observatorio de las Ocupaciones, SEPE
- Caixabank, Dualiza. (2023). La formación Profesional ante los retos sociales.
- Consejo Económico y Social (2023). La formación dual en España. Situación y perspectivas.
- Fundación C y D. (2023). Informe C y D 2023.
- Fundación Ramón Areces y Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación (2023). Indicadores comentados sobre el sistema educativo español 2023.
- Manpower Group (2024). Desajuste de talento 2024.
- OECD (2023). Education at a Glance.
- Sancho Gargallo, M.A., Valdés, Manuel T. (2022). “Indicadores comentados sobre el estado del sistema educativo español”, Fundación Ramón Areces, Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación
- OECD (2022). Education at a glance 2022: OECD indicators
- McKinsey Global Institute (2022) Overcoming the fear factor in hiring tech talent
- FUNCAS (2021), “FUNCAS presents the 166 number of Papeles de Economía Española, on human capital and the digital economy”
- World Economic Forum (2021), “Upskilling for shared prosperity”
- World Economic Forum (2020), “These are the top 10 job skills of tomorrow – and how long it takes to learn them”
- Ruiz Rosillo, M.A., Sancho Gargallo, M.A., de Esteban Villar, M. (2019). “Indicadores comentados sobre el estado del sistema educativo español”, Fundación Ramón Areces, Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación
- OCDE (2018), “Education at a Glance”
- SEPE (2018), “Informe de Prospección y Detección de Necesidades Formativas”
- OCDE (2018), “Getting Skills Right: Spain”
Initiatives and websites of interest:
- CEDEFOP, Centro Europeo para el Desarrollo de la Formación Profesional
- Skills, OCDE
- New skills at work, JP Morgan
- Todo FP, Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, Gobierno de España
- Alianza para la FP Dual
- European Alliance for Apprenticeship, Comisión Europea
- New Skills Agenda for Europe, Comisión Europea
- New World, New Skills, PWC Global
- Bain and Company (2023). Better with Age: The Rising Importance of Older Workers.
- Bain and Company (2023). Working women and the war for talent.
- Comunale, M; Manera, A (2024). The Economic Impacts and the Regulation of AI: A Review of the Academic Literature and Policy Actions. IMF.
- Bonet, R., Elvira, M., & Visintin, S. (2022). Hiring Temps but Losing Perms? Temporary Worker Inflows and Voluntary Turnover of Permanent Employees. Work, Employment and Society, 0(0)
- Selmer, J., Dickmann, M., Froese, F.J., Lauring, J., Reiche, B.S. and Shaffer, M. (2022), “The potential of virtual global mobility: implications for practice and future research“, Journal of Global Mobility, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 1-13
- BIEGER, C., ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S., GARCÍA-LOMBARDÍA, P. (2021). The challenge of vocational training in Spain. Report
- LAS HERAS M., M., GIFRA, J. (2021). A Sustainable Work Model: Towards Remote and in the Office Work. Report
- LAS HERAS M., M. (2020). The Future of Work. Report
- Apascaritei, P. y M. Elvira (2018). Agilidad Estratégica a través del Capital Humano. IESE y Meta4, Barcelona
- Fundación ATRESMEDIA, Fundación MAPFRE e IESE (2018). Reflexiones sobre la Formación Profesional de Grado Medio y Superior en España. Madrid
- BAIN & COMPANY (2018), “Labor 2030: The Collision of Demographics, Automation and Inequality”
- McKinsey (2018), “Skill shift: Automation and the future of the workforce”
- World Economic Forum (2018), “The Global Competitiveness Report 2018”
- World Economic Forum (2018), “The Future of Jobs Report 2018”
- McKinsey (2016), “Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economy”

Carmen Balmaseda
Research Assistant

Maria Luisa Blázquez
Research Associate

Roger Masclans
Research Assistant