Professor of Accounting and Control
• Ph.D. in Business Administration (Accounting), Columbia University
• M.Phil. in Business Administration, Columbia University
• MBA, IESE Business School, University of Navarra
• Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and Administration, ESADE
Marc Badia is deputy dean of IESE Business School and Professor in the Accounting and Control Department. He oversees the MBA and MiM programs. He earned his Ph.D. in Financial Accounting with distinction from Columbia University (New York).
His research interests focus on fair value accounting and the use of financial statement analysis for equity valuation. His research work has been published in top-tier academic journals such as the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review and Contemporary Accounting Research. Outside academia, he has carried out consulting projects related to business valuation and quantitative trading strategies based on fundamentals. Currently, he supervises his family business.
Areas of interest.
• Fair value accounting
• Accounting-based business analysis and valuation
• International financial accounting (IFRS)
• Trading strategies based on fundamentals