Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics
Chair of Business Ethics
• Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
• Ph.D. in Theology, University of Navarra
• Master of Science, Universitat de Barcelona
Domènec Melé is Professor Emeritus in the Business Ethics Department and Chair of Business Ethics.
He earned his doctorate in Industrial Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and his Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Navarra. In addition, he holds a degree in chemistry from the Universitat de Barcelona. He was ordained a Catholic priest (Opus Dei) in 1983. Before joining IESE Business School in 1986 he was Professor of Chemical Technology at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Over the last 30 years, Professor Emeritus Melé has researched and written extensively on the areas of economic and business ethics, corporate social responsibility, Christian social thought, spirituality in management, philosophy of management and humanistic management.
He has published over 70 scientific chapters and articles in referred journals, including the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business Ethics: A European Review, Business and Society Review, and Philosophy of Management. Furthermore, he has authored about 20 case studies (IESE Publishing).
He has chaired 18 editions of the International Symposia on Ethics, Business and Society led by IESE since 1991. He is the co-founder of IESE’s Center for Business in Society, the director of the quarterly review Temes d’Avui (in Catalan) and vice-president of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN)-Spain.
He has authored several books including Business Ethics in Action. Managing Human Excellence in Organizations, 2nd ed. Revised and extended (Macmillan International, 2019), Human Foundations of Management (2014), Management Ethics: Placing Ethics at the Core of Good Management (2012); Cristianos en la sociedad (Christians in Society), (5th ed. Rialp, Madrid, 2009), Ética en la empresa familiar (Ethics in Family Business), with M. A. Gallo (2nd ed., 2003) and Ética en dirección de empresas (Ethics in Management) (1997). He co-edited, among others, Human Development in Business, con C. Dierksmeier (2012) y Humanism in Economics and Business. Perspectives of the Catholic Social Tradition con M. Schlag (2015) and A Catholic Spirituality for Business. The Logic of Gift con M. Schlag (2019).
He has served as section editor of the Journal of Business Ethics for then years. Currently he is associate editor of the Humanistic management Journal and is a member of the editorial boards of Philosophy of Management (UK), Corporate Governance (UK) and Ethos. International Journal of Applied Ethics (Spain). He has also been co-guest editor of five special issues of the Journal of Business Ethics. In 2003 he received the award for excellence in research from the IESE Alumni Association.
Professor Emeritus Melé regularly delivers international seminars and participates in conferences organized by the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN); Society for Business Ethics (SBE); Academy of Management (AOM, Social Issues Management and Management Religion and Spirituality); International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE); Christian Humanism in Economics and Business, and the International Symposia on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education.
Areas of interest.
• Foundations of Business Ethics
• Philosophy of Management
• Humanizing Business
• Catholic Social Thought in Economics and Business
• Christian Spirituality in Management