Assistant Professor of Marketing
• Ph.D. in Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Diego Aparicio is an Assistant Professor in the Marketing Department at IESE Business School. He teaches Marketing Management in the MBA Program.
His research studies optimal pricing and assortment decisions, online platforms, retailing, and applied topics in corporate finance. Prior to joining IESE, he worked in the finance and technology industries.
His research has been featured at the NBER, The Economist, Bloomberg, and the BLS, among others.
Areas of interest.
• Pricing
• Economics of Digitization
• Artificial Intelligence
• Lab Experiments
• Industrial Organization
Journal Articles (refereed)
Journal Articles (refereed)
APARICIO, D., METZMAN, Z., RIGOBON, R. (2024). The pricing strategies of online grocery retailers. QME-Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 22 (1), 1–21, doi:10.1007/s11129-023-09273-w.
BERTINI, M., APARICIO, D., AYDINLI, A. (2023). Can friction improve your customers' experiences? MIT Sloan Management Review, 64 (2), 42-47.
APARICIO, D., RIGOBON, R. (2023). Quantum prices. Journal of International Economics, 143, Article 103770. doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2023.103770.
Working Papers
Working Papers
SPANN, M., BERTINI, M., KOENIGSBERG, O., ZEITHAMMER, R., APARICIO, D., CHEN , Y., FANTINI, F., JIN, G., MORWITZ, V., LESZCZYC, P., ... VITORINO, M. (2024). Algorithmic pricing. Implications for consumers, managers, and regulators (No. w32540). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
APARICIO, D., ECKLES, D., KUMAR, M. (2023). Algorithmic pricing and consumer sensitivity to price variability.
MARTÍNEZ DE ALBÉNIZ, V., APARICIO, D., BALSACH, J. (2022). The Effects of COVID-19 on the Retail Economy: Store Restrictions, Consumer Panic, and Travel Shocks.