Creand Entrepreneurship and Banking Chair
Chair: Albert Fernández
The Creand Entrepreneurship and Banking Chair has four aims: 1. to reflect on startup financing and the important role of banking; 2. to promote entrepreneurial and investment initiatives in Andorra; 3. to study Andorra’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and its impact on the country’s economy and business environment; 4. to give visibility to Andorran entrepreneurship initiatives and, in doing so, facilitate bridge building between Andorra and other European countries and regions.
This new chair, which was launched in 2020, has replaced the previously existing Crèdit Andorrà Chair of Markets, Organizations and Humanism, which, since 2006, was directed by Josep Maria Rosanas, who is also an IESE professor.
Research areas.
- Entrepreneurial initiatives and investment. Sources of financing and the role of banking.
- Entrepreneurial and economic initiatives. The impact of entrepreneurship on the economy and the economic measures that can foster entrepreneurial and investment activities.
- New trends in entrepreneurship and in forms of financing, with special emphasis on the role of new technologies.
- Tourism, trade and entrepreneurial projects as mechanisms for boosting activity.
- Social impact of entrepreneurship in Andorra.
Albert Fernández is a professor in the Entrepreneurship and Accounting and Control departments at IESE Business School. He also teaches courses on the analysis of business problems and the management of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Since 2009, he has served as the director of Finaves, the venture capital fund that invests in IESE student and alumni projects.
Prof. Fernández is also an academic director of one of IESE’s Management Development Programs (PDDs) and, since 2018, he has served as the director of the Accounting and Control Department.
His areas of interest are entrepreneurship; the keys to growth for SMEs; corporate governance with a focus on SMEs and family businesses; and the imporveent of management processes in SMEs.
Join us for our new program "Keys to Successful Entrepreneurship" in October to understand the process of entrepreneurship and growing organizations.
Caso Fashiop: una caja de sorpresas – March 11, 2024 – 7:00 p.m. – Video
A startup dedicated to men’s fashion. We will analyze its online personal shopper service, which removes all physical barriers, and its business model. Are its operations scalable? The professor will analyze this business case.
At the end of the session, IESE will explain how the training it offers can help develop managerial skills to achieve success.
Eduard Calvo, Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology
In-person attendance
Creand Building
Av. Meritxell, 80, 3rd floor, Andorra la Vella
Recent lecture series
“La disrupción de los sectores tradiciones”. Full session / Web
- Cómo innovar en un sector tan tradicional como la cosmética (Sara Werner, CEO and co-founder, Cocunat) – Video
- De emprendedor a inversor: 10 aprendizajes de mi viaje a Silicon Valley (Pepe Agell, Partner, Pear VC) – Video
Lecture ‘How to Face the New Economic Scenario’. Video / Newsletter
“Estratègia i geopolítica: impacte en l’empresa”. Video
“La descarbonització de la construcció”. View full session or highlights
“Què puc fer per servir i fidelitzar els meus clients?”. Video
“La injusticia en la gobernanza de las organizaciones”. Video
- Annual study on entrepreneurship in Andorra
- Collaboration with entrepreneurial and accelerator projects.
- Participation in other activities that can help to achieve the Chair’s aims.

Jordi Carrillo Pujol

Paula Sancho
Director of Finaves, IESE

Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet