Strategic Management Department
Head: Pascual Berrone
The Strategic Management Department focuses on providing managers with the tools and insights needed for the development and practice of strategy in organizations.
In a broad sense, strategic management is the key distinctive task of a general manager. The department has defined core teaching and research areas to train managers in this unique role.
Coursework includes Competitive Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Strategy Process, International Strategy and Innovation and Strategy.
In their research, the department’s faculty is exploring the most recent and influential ideas in strategic management.
Areas of expertise
Full time.
Full time.
External collaborators.
Executive fellows.
- Marco Arcelli
CEO, ACWA Power - Andrea Baldo
CEO, Mulberry - Henk de Jong
Ex-CEO, Versuni
Member of the board of the University of Groningen (RUG), IDFA (international documentary festival) and Global Factories (Medical devices) - Helmuth Ludwig
Professor of Practice, Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University
Member of the Board, Hitachi Ltd - Juan Moreno
Corporate Strategy Director, La Farga - Alejandro Oñoro
CEO, Ilunion - Pau Relat
President, Mat Holding Group
Chairman of Governing Board, Fira de Barcelona - Cristina Ventura Serra
General Partner & Chief Catalyst Officer, White Star Capital
Journal Articles (refereed)
Journal Articles (refereed)
GALDON-SANCHEZ, J., GIL, R., URIZ-UHARTE, G. (2025). The Value of information in competitive markets. Evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Political Economy, 133 (1), 252-305. doi:10.1086/732525.
ARTS, S., CASSIMAN, B., HOU, J. (2025). Technology differentiation, product market rivalry, and M&A transactions. Strategic Management Journal. doi:10.1002/smj.3687. (Online first)
KLEIN, S. P., SPIETH, P., RICART, J. E., NOBLE, C. H. (2024). How media coverage elicits strategic change. The moderating role of the business model design. Strategic Management Journal. doi:10.1002/smj.3688. (Online first)
Working Papers
Working Papers
BLANCO, I., GARCÍA, S., WEHRHEIM, D. (2024). R&D disclosure and short-term investors: Evidence from mandated patent disclosure.
SAMILA, S., SIMETH, M., WEHRHEIM, D. (2024). Institutional ownership and corporate scientific research.
BLANCO, I., FERRARO, F., VALENTINI, G., WEHRHEIM, D. (2022). Meet me halfway. Financial analysts and strategic change.
ARIÑO, A., BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E., SOBREPERE, X., YONG, A. (2024). Navigating complexity and novelty. A stakeholder governance framework for PPP projects. Academy of Management Proceedings.
VERY, M.-A., LEE, M. (2021). Selling out, really? Post-acquisition performance of CSR-oriented products. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2021. Academy of Management Proceedings.
ROUSSEAU, H. E., BROMILEY, P., BERRONE, P. (2020). A Behavioral perspective of search in nonprofit organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings (pp. 14089).
CANALS, J. (2023). Boards of directors in disruptive times. Improving corporate governance effectiveness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
CANALS, J. (2023). Transformarse para perdurar. Consejos de administración y gobierno de la empresa en épocas de cambios disruptivos. Barcelona: Deusto.
ROSENBERG, M. (2022). Learning to fly. How to manage your career in a turbulent and changing world. Anthem Press.
Edited books
Edited books
CALDART, A., RICART, J. E., CARRERA, A. (2019). General Management in Latin and Ibero American Organizations: A Humanistic Perspective. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
MAORET, M., JONES, C. (2018). Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
ROSENBERG, M., SEAGER, P. (2017). Managing Media Businesses. A Game Plan to Navigate Disruption and Uncertainty.
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
ROSENBERG, M. (2024). El véhiculo eléctrico. Nada es gratis. En Fité, R.M.; Nueno, P.; Mehta, K. and Vilà, J. (Eds.), Primero las personas: pensamiento emprendedor para resolver problemas empresariales (pp. 121-130). Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
RICART, J. E. (2024). Construyendo ciudades smart centradas en las personas. En Fité, R.M.; Nueno, P.; Mehta, K. and Vilà, J. (Eds.), Primero las personas: pensamiento emprendedor para resolver problemas empresariales (pp. 131-135). Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
ARIÑO, A. (2024). Alianzas. Emprender juntos con visión y confianza. En Fité, R.M. ; Nueno, P.; Mehta, K. and Vilà, J. (Eds.), Primero las personas: pensamiento emprendedor para resolver problemas empresariales (pp. 155-166). Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
Non-refereed articles
Non-refereed articles
LOPEZ, D., OLIVER, M., VILÀ, J. (2024). Transformación innovadora. El fin del departamento de innovación tal y como lo conocemos. Harvard Deusto Business Review (347).
SAMILA, S. (2023). AI: Beyond the hype. IESE Business School Insight (165), pp. 62-67.
SAMILA, S. (2023). IA: más allá del revuelo. IESE Business School Insight (165), pp. 62-67.
BERRONE, P., MULTINACIONALES POR MARCA ESPAÑA (2024). Barómetro del clima de negocios en España desde la perspectiva del inversor extranjero. Resultados 2024.
GRAS, R., RICART, J. E. (2024). A Vision for Barcelona's Future: City Science Illuminating Urban and Economic Development. Urban and Economic Development vision and comparative analysis between Amsterdam, Barcelona, Boston, and Stockholm. IESE.
BORRÀS, J., PLANA, A., RICART, J. E. (2024). El reto de la movilidad en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona. IESE.
CANALS, J., BOULONGNE, R., ARRIBAS, F. M. (2025). Vallformosa: Competing in a market of giants. IESE, SM-1773-E.
BERRONE, P., BOULONGNE, R., SAMILA, S., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2025). The governance saga at OpenAI (B). OpenAI: Governance crises threaten an artificial intelligence pioneer. IESE, SM-1771-E.
BERRONE, P., BOULONGNE, R., SAMILA, S., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2025). The governance saga at OpenAI (A). OpenAI: Governance crises threaten an artificial intelligence pioneer. IESE, SM-1770-E.
Technical Notes
Technical Notes
KLOHE, K., FERRARO, F. (2025). Navigating the impact investing landscape: History, trends, and future directions. IESE, SMN-714-E.
CANALS, J. (2025). El gobierno de empresas sociales: algunos principios. IESE, SMN-715.
VROOM, G., RICART, J. E. (2024). Competitive strategy. IESE, SMN-710-E.