The Company and its Social Responsibilities
IESE Business School: 60 Years of the Company's Impact on Society
The Responsibility of Management Schools in the Face of the Technological, Demographic, Social, and Political Challenges that Companies Encounter
Companies are communities of people who seek to reach certain common goals in an organized fashion. Through providing good services, companies contribute to the creation and distribution of wealth and, either directly or indirectly, to solving problems related to human and social development.
This humanistic understanding of the company brings with it certain social responsibilities for organizations—and in particular for the managers who lead them—beyond the attainment of economic results. Because, ultimately, both of these aspects are key to achieving the common good.
IESE has been training leaders with values under this ethical and humanistic approach for 60 years.
In recent decades, social, economic, and technological changes have been forcing us to rethink the functions and responsibilities of companies and managers. Has the raison d’être of companies changed? What are their obligations now? How do new demographic, technological, and social realities affect the managerial function?
This conference aims to reflect on these issues as well as other topics related to the impact that companies have on society, the duties that managers must take on, and the impact that management schools can have in this area.
Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, Grand Chancellor of the University of Navarra
Professor Robert G. Kennedy, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN
Professor Martin Rhonheimer, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome / Austrian Institute of Economics and Social Philosophy, Vienna
Professor João Luis César das Neves, Catholic Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Lisbon
Professor Enase Okonedo, Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos
Professor Juan Elegido, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos
Friday, July 5, 2019 (Aula Magna, North Campus)
11:00 – Registration
11:30 – Welcome
Prof. Franz Heukamp, Dean, IESE Business School
11:40 – First session – “IESE and its Role in Society”
Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, Grand Chancellor of the University of Navarra (Spanish)
12:15 – Break
12:45 – Second session – “The Company: Transforming Society”
Prof. Robert G. Kennedy, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN – Business and Its Common Goods
Moderator: Prof. Mireia las Heras, IESE Business School
13:45 – Lunch
15:00 – Second session (continued)
Prof. Martin Rhonheimer, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, and Austrian Institute of Economics and Social Philosophy, Vienna – Market Capitalism and Christian Social Ethics: A Contradiction?
Prof. João Luis César das Neves, Catholic Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Lisbon – Business and the Three Basic Elements of Revelation
Moderator: Prof. Mireia las Heras, IESE Business School
16:45 – Break
17:15 – Third session – “The Company and the Development of the Person”
Prof. Enase Okonedo, Dean, Lagos Business School – The Role of the Organization in Nurturing Responsible Managers
Prof. Juan Manuel Elegido, Vice-Chancellor, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos – Ethical Convictions and Person Models (Spanish)
Moderator: Prof. África Ariño, IESE Business School
7:00 p.m. – Closure of the Congress
Prof. Franz Heukamp, Dean, IESE Business School

Dates & Location
Barcelona, July 5, 2019
IESE Barcelona
North Campus
C/Arnús i Garí, 3-7
08034 Barcelona
Tel.:+34 93 253 4200