IESE EMBA. What Will You Learn?

The content of the EMBA program takes place over 18 months, incorporating more than 300 different cases, international weeks, and 1,500 hours of individual and collaborative work to widen your worldview and forever change the way you look at leadership.

The formula is simple: high-quality faculty, high-quality students and a high degree of rigor. We will put you to the test, so that you may reach your full potential.

Give us 18 months and we’ll give you a lifetime of impact.

Program content.

IESE’s 60+ years of experience and innovation will help you discover your strengths, transform your competencies and expand your perspectives. Upgrade everything from your strategic decision-making to your soft skills, leaving you ready for your next career step.

When you join IESE’s Executive MBA, you’ll enter a world-class ecosystem of learning and discovery.

A unique learning experience



You will be assigned a personal tutor who will offer continuous feedback and career advice throughout the program to ensure you get the most out of the experience and reach your fullest potential.

Peer-to-peer learning

Peer-to-peer learning

The EMBA gathers successful managers from an array of industries, companies and professional profiles. The cohort’s diversity will enrich your professional network and open your eyes to new perspectives and practices outside your corporate sphere.

Team-based projects

Team-based projects

Collaborative projects will provide an authentic forum for the discourse and exchange of contrasting knowledge among peers and bolster your ability to align opposing perspectives within a professional environment.

Business Simulations

Business Simulations

You will take your key knowledge to a new level and advance your executive and communication skills in a realistic test environment, complete with time constraints and opposing power dynamics.

International weeks

International weeks

The EMBA organizes international weeks in Nairobi, New York, São Paulo and Shanghai that deliver frontline insights on global business ecosystems and fresh perspectives on global and transcultural management.

Global Leadership Series

Global Leadership Series

The Global Leadership Series features quarterly summits with renowned CEOs, entrepreneurs, and top-tier executives, who share the frontline experiences and leadership insights garnered throughout their careers.

New Frontiers Series

New Frontiers Series

Every quarter you will be able to join a deep-dive session on specific management trends led by faculty members with expertise in each field.

In-company Projects

In-company Projects

Working in teams, you will participate in business projects with leading companies to apply your newfound executive knowledge to real-life business challenges.

The Case Method at IESE.

In 1963, Harvard Business School formed an alliance with IESE Business School and IESE adopted the famous HBS case method learning methodology. Over the years, IESE professors began writing their own cases, making their own impact and becoming thought leaders in their own right.

  • You will engage in dynamic discussions about the business challenges you face every day.
  • You will combine individual learning, team discussions and dialogue in an interdisciplinary setting.
  • The teacher will facilitate and guide the debate, encouraging everyone to participate and enriching the discussion with different points of view and experiences.

Read more about the case method and explore some real examples from leading companies which have been used in our classes.

The Executive Simulation EXSIM.

The Executive-Management Simulation Program (EXSIM) is a dynamic business-simulation exercise that puts you in the role of a company board member. It’s an opportunity to apply everything you learn during the first year of the Executive MBA.

Over an exciting and intense week, you’ll enhance your strategic thinking by analyzing real-life business situations and defending your recommendations before a board of directors comprised of professors and industry experts.

For more information about EXSIM

The boost your career needs

Salary Negotiations

Salary Negotiations

You will become adept at earning what you deserve by successfully applying effective salary negotiation techniques and strategies.

High-Impact Interviews

High-Impact Interviews

Master professional interviews, position your personal brand, and stand out from the crowd in what is becoming an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Employment Search 2.0

Employment Search 2.0

You’ll learn how to maximize leverage on social media platforms when job hunting.

Career Plan

Career Plan

Draft your professional career path under the guidance of a professional headhunter.

Powerhouse Résumés

Powerhouse Résumés

You will learn how to write a professional CV tailored to your target market.

A Headhunter’s View

A Headhunter’s View

Headhunters channel approximately 40% of career changes. Thanks to the EMBA program you’ll discover the qualities they’re looking for.

Top international faculty

The IESE Experience

Executive MBA Events.

25 Mar
27 Mar