Publicaciones(23.156 resultados)
NUENO, P. (1999). ¿Es posible crear una cultura emprendedora? Istmo (42), pp. 4 - 7.
ROSENMÖLLER, M. (1999). EU enlargement-the influence on the EU health agenda. Eurohealth, 5 (1), pp. 11.
CAMPA, J. M. (1999). Interacciones estrategicas en inversiones de capacidad. Investigaciones Europeas de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa, 5 (1), pp. 45 - 60.
ARVAN, L., CABRAL, L., SANTOS, V. (1999). Meaningful Cheap Talk Must Improve Equilibrium Payoffs. Mathematical Social Sciences, 37 (1), 97 - 106. doi:10.1016/S0165-4896(98)00018-3.
VEUGELERS, R., CASSIMAN, B. (1999). Make and Buy in Innovation Strategies. Evidence from Belgian Manufacturing Firms. Research Policy, 28 (1), 63 - 80. doi:10.1016/S0048-7333(98)00106-1.
FONTRODONA, J. (1999). Marketing social. En Francisco J. Roa, José Luis Fernández, Joan Fontrodona, Javier Gorosquieta (Eds.), Ética del marketing (pp. 325 - 366). Madrid: Unión Editorial.
INIESTA, F. (1999). Antecedents and Consequences of Conflict Resolution Sequences in Contractual Channels of Distribution.
SACHON, M., PATÉ CORNELL, M. E. (1999). Airline Maintenance vs Flight Delays: Probabilistic Methods and Risk Management for Accidents That Have Not Happened Yet. Proceedings of the 1999 High-Consequence Engineering Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 15-17 November 1999.
CANALS, J. (1999). Bancs universals i bancs especialitzats. Algunes reflexions sobre el futur dels bancs. Anuari Societat Catalana de Economia, 15, pp. 10 - 22.
LOCH, C., HUCHZERMEIER, A. (1999). Evaluating R&D projects as learning options. Why more variability is not always better. In Wildemann, H. (Eds.), Produktion und Controlling (pp. 185-197). TCW Transfer Centrum Verlag.
LOCH, C., CRAWFORD, R. (1999). Acer mobile systems unit (A) time to market problem. INSEAD.
LOCH, C., CRAWFORD, R. (1999). Acer mobile systems unit (B) back on the road to growth. INSEAD.
LOCH, C., HUCHZERMEIER, A. (1999). CargoLifter AG. INSEAD.
CARBONELL, O., SANTOMÁ, J. (1998). Bonos indiciados a la inflación. IESE, FN-458.
RODRÍGUEZ BADAL, M. Á., RICART, J. E. (1998). La fría encrucijada del Grupo BYSE. IESE, DG-1248.
NUENO, J. L., MORA C. (1998). Solvay Pharma: Estrategias de switch. IESE, M-1064.
NUENO, J. L., MORA C. (1998). Solvay Pharma: Mercado español del omeprazol. IESE, M-1065.
CLARK N.,, VILÀ, J. (1998). Glaxo 1993: The Turning Point for Business Strategy? IESE, DG-1251-E.
CAMPA, J. M., CHANG, P. H. (1998). The Forecasting Ability of Correlations Implied in Foreign Exchange Options. Journal of International Money and Finance, 17 (6), 855 - 881.
VILÀ, J., SYVERTSEN, C. (1998). Towards the business federation in management consulting firms: A preliminary study in Norway and Spain. OP-99-2-E.