Publicaciones(22.797 resultados)
GUAL, J. (1999). Deregulation, Integration, and Market Structure in European Banking. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 13, 372 - 396. doi:10.1006/jjie.1999.0428.
CANALS, J. (1999). Managing Corporate Growth. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E., SÁNCHEZ, R. (1999). Comportamiento de las bolsas latinoamericanas. Harvard Deusto Finanzas y Contabilidad (32), pp. 72 - 80.
NUENO, P. (1999). Compitiendo en la era del mercado de capitales. Barcelona Management Review (12), pp. 69 - 75.
ARIÑO, A., MONTES, J. S. (1999). Alianzas estratégicas: Gobernando la relación con los socios. ICADE (48), pp. 13 - 24.
DEL SOL, P., GHEMAWAT, P. (1999). Strategic Valuation of Investment Under Competition. Interfaces, 29 (6), 45 - 56.
CHIESA, C., KUPPERS V. (1999). Cómo desarrollar una estrategia eficaz de fidelización de clientes. IESE, MN-326.
KALVA, H., ELEFTHERIADIS, A., ZAMORA, J. (1999). Delivering object-based audio visual services. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 45 (4), 1108 - 1111. doi:10.1109/30.809189.
GALLO, M. Á., CAPPUYNS, K. (1999). Ethics of personal behaviour in family business (III): Behavioral patterns (DI-405-E).
ARGANDOÑA, A. (1999). Ethics in Finance and Public Policy. The Ibercorp Case. Journal of Business Ethics, 22 (3), 219 - 231. doi:10.1023/A:1006257707175.
ARIÑO, A., DE LA TORRE, J., DOZ, Y., LORENZONI, G., RING, P. S. (1999). Process issues in alliance management: A panel discussion (DI-403-E).
OCÁRIZ, J. (1999). Autobuses BCD. IESE, C-709.
MOSCOSO, P., WAEFLER, T., WINDISCHER, A. (1999). A Modelling Framework for Complementary Design of Production Planning and Control Systems. Ergonomics, 42 (11), 1492 - 1506. doi:10.1080/001401399184848.
GALLO, M. Á., CAPPUYNS, K. (1999). Etica de los comportamientos personales en la empresa familiar (III): Grupos de comportamientos (DI-405).
ARGANDOÑA, A. (1999). Business Ethics in Spain. Journal of Business Ethics, 22 (3), 155 - 173. doi:10.1023/A:1006253604449.
MELÉ, D. (1999). Early Business Ethics in Spain. The Salamanca School (1526-1614). Journal of Business Ethics, 22 (3), 175 - 189. doi:10.1023/A:1006270025831.
CAMPA, J. M., GUILLÉN, M. (1999). The Internalization of Exports: Firm- and Location-Specific Factors in a Middle-Income Country. Management Science, 45 (11), 1463 - 1479. doi:10.1287/mnsc.45.11.1463.
ARIÑO, M. A., COELLO DE PORTUGAL M. (1999). Informe sobre la relación entre consumo, morosidad y ciclos bursátiles (DI-402).
ARIÑO, A., GARCÍA-CANAL, E., VALDÉS, A. (1999). Longevity of strategic alliances between competitors: A dynamic value creation approach (DI-404-E).
SÁNCHEZ-RUNDE, C. (1999). President Clinton's Impeachment Trial and Hyde's "4-Bob Plan" for a Censure Resolution - Exercise. IESE, DPE-1-E.