Publicaciones(23.163 resultados)
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2001). Carlota Fernández (A). IESE, FH-695.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2001). Carlota Fernández (B). IESE, FH-696.
BERNAL, J., PALENCIA, L. (2001). Doctor Music Networks. IESE, ASN-27.
BENOIT, J. E., MAISONNEUVE, P., NUENO, P. (2001). MatCertificate. IESE, E-39-E.
MUÑOZ-NAJAR J. A.,, VILÀ, J. (2001). Hacer operativa la estrategia: despliegue de objetivos de ruptura y medios (método Hoshin Kanri). IESE, DGN-617.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R., LAORDEN, M., SÁENZ-DÍEZ, I. (2001). Internet recruiting power: Opportunities and effectiveness (DI-439-E).
QUINTANILLA, J., FERNER, A., VARUL, M. (2001). Country-of-Origin Effects, Host-Country Effects, and the Management of HR in Multinationals. German Companies in Britain and Spain. Journal of World Business, 36 (2), 107 - 127. doi:10.1016/S1090-9516(01)00050-5.
(2001). Newsletter e-business Center PwC&IESE. ICT Impact Analysis on Organizations and Their Surrounding Environment.
LOCH, C. (2001). Uncertainty and complexity in project management. EURO 2001 Conference (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Rotterdam:
HERLICQ, B., SEGURADO, J. L., ROURE, J. (2001). Fractus-3i: A New Round of Financing (B). Confiential Information for 3i's Representative. IESE, E-31-E.
LAMYIN, M., BERTINI, M., NUENO, J. L. (2001). Teléfonos de México, S.A. de C.V. y la decisión respecto a Prodigy Internet Plus. IESE, M-1124.
PERRY, G., SCHLECKER, M., WEBER, E. (2001). Schlecker Home Shopping. IESE, ASN-25.
PALENCIA, L., PORTILLO, J. (2001). Rick's Café Americain. IESE, ASN-26.
ESTRADA, J. (2001). Hilton Hotels, Corp.. IESE, F-711.
SOLEY, J., CUTILLAS, S. (2001). Órganos de supervisión bancaria internacional. IESE, FN-480.
SOLEY, J. (2001). Banca por Internet. IESE, FN-481.
HERLICQ, B., NUENO, P. (2001). Royal Philips Electronics 2001. IESE, E-33-E.
FONT, V. (2001). Internacional Alimentaria. IESE, M-1125.
CALDART, A., RICART, J. E. (2001). An Introduction to Real Options. Incorporating Flexibility to Quantitative Strategic Analysis. IESE, DGN-616-E.
CHINCHILLA, N., POELMANS, S. (2001). The adoption of family-friendly HRM policies (DI-438-E).