Publicaciones(23.157 resultados)
NECKEBROUCK, J. (2021). Employee rent sharing and competitive advantage. Exploring an s-shaped rent sharing curve. SMS 41st Annual Conference, Virtual Toronto.
SAMILA, S., ALEKSEEVA, L., GINÉ, M., TASKA, B. (2021). AI adoption and firm performance. Management versus IT. SMS 41st Annual Conference, Virtual Toronto.
GKEREDAKIS, M., CONSTANTINIDES, P. (2021). Crowd-based coordination in the digital age. A Convention lens. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2021. Academy of Management Proceedings.
JACOB, M. (2021). Dividend taxes, employment, and firm productivity. Journal of Corporate Finance, 69, 102040. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2021.102040.
ANTÓN, M., EDERER, F., GINÉ, M., SCHMALZ, M. (2021). Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives. 48th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE): Virtual.
TERRACCIANO, T. (2021). Thinking Forward. FX Hedging, Currency Choice and the International Role of the US Dollar. Finance PhD Final Countdown 2021.
KLUETER, T. M. (2021). Understanding the link between post acquisition R&D organization and technology commercialization decisions. The role of out-licensing. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: A Virtual Experience.
HAFENBRÄDL, S., KANNGIESSER, P., HERTWIG, R. (2021). The Transmission game. Testing behavioral interventions in a pandemic-like simulation. SPUDM 2021 (Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making): online.
GREGORY, R. W., HENFRIDSSON, O., KÁGANER, E., KYRIAKOU, H. (2021). The Role of artificial intelligence and data network effects for creating user value. Academy of Management Review, 46 (3), 534-551. doi:10.5465/amr.2019.0178.
MANZANO, C., VIVES, X. (2021). Market power and welfare in asymmetric divisible good auctions. Theoretical Economics, 16 (3), 1095-1137. doi:10.3982/TE3675.
JORDI COHEN,, JESÚS CUERVO, CARLOS CRESPO, JAUME RIBERA, RIBERA, J. (2021). Evaluación de futuros fármacos y tecnologías sanitarias con metodología horizon scanning. IESE.
JONSDOTTIR, G. E., SIGURJONSSON, T. O., RAHNEMA ALAVI, A., MITCHELL, J. (2021). Applying Responsible Ownership to Advance SDGs and the ESG Framework, Resulting in the Issuance of Green Bonds. Sustainability, 13 (13). doi:10.3390/su13137331.
ELVIRA, M. (2021). Temporary employment, precarity trap in low-paying jobs, and wage inequality. 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, Amsterdam.
ELVIRA, M., MCALLUM, K. (2021). Caring about meaningfulness?. How relational others shape care workers’ experience of meaningful work. 21st International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society.
ELVIRA, M. (2021). Promoting decent work in transnational companies and family-owned businesses. 21st International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society.
FERNANDES, N. (2021). Sony and the Activist Threat. IESE, F-970-E.
RÁBAGO, E., STEIN G., G. (2021). Maison Lumineuse: An Online Assessment Process. IESE, DPO-731-E.
PRATS, J., ALCARAZ, J. A. (2021). Análisis de una nueva generación de start-ups en España y Portugal. CaixaBank.
ZAMORA, J., ISAAC SASTRE BOQUET (2021). Big Bank Experiments With Artificial Intelligence - Teaching Note. IESE, SIT-24-E.