Publicaciones(23.157 resultados)
SOLER, E. (2021). Holaluz: Connecting people to Green Energy. IESE, ASN-89-E.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). The Big Picture: The New drivers of value. IESE Business School Insight (159).
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). El nuevo motor de la valoración de empresas. IESE Business School Insight (159).
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). The Big Picture: Know this before negotiating your salary. IESE Business School Insight (160).
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). Cómo negociar un aumento de sueldo. IESE Business School Insight (160).
GIL, R. (2021). La política de competencia y antimonopolio en el ámbito de la cultura en España. En Ateca Amestoy, Victoria; Ganuza, Juan-José & Prieto Sacristán, Jesús (Eds.), Economía y cultura. Una mirada hacia el futuro (pp. 263-293). Madrid: Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros - FUNCAS.
SOMOZA, L., TERRACCIANO, T. (2021). Stabilizing stablecoins. A Pragmatic regulatory approach. Journal of Fintech, 1 (2), pp. Article: 2150001.
ANTÓN, M., GINÉ, M., SCHMALZ, M., EDERER, F. (2021). Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives. 13th Annual Northwestern Conference on Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy.
TERRACCIANO, T. (2021). Thinking Forward. FX Hedging, Currency Choice, and the International role of the US Dollar. 20th Doctoral Meetings in International Trade and International Finance.
ROFCANIN, Y., LAS HERAS, M., BOSCH, M. J., STOLLBERGER, J., MAYER, M. (2021). How do weekly obtained task i-deals improve work performance?. The role of relational context and structural job resources. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30 (4), 555-565. doi:10.1080/1359432X.2020.1833858.
RICART, J. E., ALEGRE, I., YONG, A., ROUSSEAU, H., BERRONE, P. (2021). Does Voluntary regulation supplement or substitute for organizations’ readiness for climate change?. Evidence of the impact of voluntary regulation on green public procurement. SMS 41st Annual Conference, Virtual Toronto.
ALEKSEEVA, L., AZAR, J., GINÉ, M., SAMILA, S., TASKA, B. (2021). The Demand for AI skills in the labor market. LABOUR ECONOMICS, 71, Article 102002. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2021.102002.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2021). Temporary employment, precarity trap in low-paying jobs, and wage inequality. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2021). Temporary employment, precarity trap in low-paying jobs, and wage inequality. 116th ASA Virtual Annual Meeting.
BONETTI, P., LEUZ, C., MICHELON, G. (2021). Large-Sample Evidence on the Impact of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development on Surface Waters. SCIENCE, 373 (6557), 896-902. doi:10.1126/science.aaz2185.
PELTOKORPI, V., FROESE, F. J., REICHE, S. (2021). How and when do reintegration facilitate repatriate knowledge transfer? Academy of Management Proceedings.
REY, C., ALMANDOZ, J. (2021). Sense of purpose. Reflections on meaningful work. Barcelona: DPMC Foundation.
JORDI SALVADOR,, RICART, J. E., JUAN PIEDRA (2021). Caso del Ciclo integral del agua en la ciudad de Almería (España). IESE.
JORDI SALVADOR,, RICART, J. E., JUAN PIEDRA (2021). Total Water Cycle Management In The City Of Almería (Andalusia, Spain). IESE.
MELÉ, D. (2021). Catholic social teaching on the social responsibility of business. In Maak T., Pless N.M., Orlitzky M., Sandhu S. (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 99-109). Routledge.