Publicaciones(23.171 resultados)
DÍAZ, J. J., FITÉ, R. M., NUENO, P. (2003). Fiat Auto 2003: A new opportunity. IESE, E-61-E.
BLÁZQUEZ, M. L., BALLARÍN FREDES, E. (2003). Consumer Electronics in Catalonia (B): The Industry in the 21st Century. IESE, DG-1428-E.
BOYLE, P., ROSENBERG, M. (2003). InterMarket Technology, Inc.. IESE, ASN-32-E.
ARMENGOL, E., OLIVER, X. (2003). Larios Dry Gin. IESE, M-1169-E.
VELAMURI, R. (2003). Econet Wireless Zimbabwe (A). IESE, E-62-E.
GARCÍA PRAT, A., MENDICUTE J., LANGER N., FAUS, J. (2003). Diagonal Mar (A). IESE, F-754.
MARCÉ, C., SANTOMÁ, J. (2003). 7-Eleven. IESE, F-755.
GUAL, J. (2003). Market definition in the telecoms industry (DI-517-E).
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R., SUÁREZ RUZ, E., GALLIFA, Á. (2003). La gestión de la temporalidad en 2003: Resultado del cuestionario enviado a las grandes empresas ubicadas en España (DI-518).
CASADESUS-MASANELL, R., GHEMAWAT, P. (2003). Dynamic mixed duopoly: A model motivated by Linux vs. Windows (DI-519-E).
MUÑOZ-SECA, B., SILVA, C. (2003). Four dimensions to induce learning: The challenge profile (DI-520-E).
MAIR, J., NOBOA, E. (2003). Social entrepreneurship: How intentions to create a social enterprise get formed (DI-521-E).
LOCH, C., MIHM, J., HUCHZERMEIER, A. (2003). Concurrent engineering and design oscillations in complex engineering projects. CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 11 (3), 187-199. doi:10.1177/106329303038030.
BAUCELLS ALIBÉS, M., SARIN, R. K. (2003). Group decisions with multiple criteria. Management Science, 49 (8), 1105 - 1118.
RODRÍGUEZ BADAL, M. Á., RICART, J. E. (2003). Estrategia medioambiental y creación de valor. Harvard Deusto Business Review (115), pp. 58 - 69.
STREMERSCH, S., WEISS, A. M., DELLAERT, B. G. C., FRAMBACH, R. T. (2003). Buying Modular Systems in Technology-Intensive Markets. Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (3), 335 - 350. doi:10.1509/jmkr.40.3.335.19239.
HEUKAMP, F., ULM, J., GERMAINE, J. T. (2003). Poroplastic properties of calcium leached cement-based materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 33 (8), 1155 - 1173. doi:10.1016/S0008-8846(03)00024-3.
MAIR, J. (2003). Opening the black box: Applying a people perspective to examine the origins of unit performance (DI-513-E).
FERNÁNDEZ, P., VILLANUEVA, A. (2003). Shareholder value creators and shareholder value destroyers in Europe. Year 2002 (DI-514-E).
FERNÁNDEZ, P. (2003). 75 common and uncommon errors in company valuation (DI-515-E).