Publicaciones(23.157 resultados)
SIOTA, J., PRATS, J. (2021). Open Innovation. Unlocking hidden opportunities by refining the value proposition between your corporation and corporate venturing enablers. IESE, Barcelona, Spain.
ESTRADA, J. (2021). The Sustainability of (global) withdrawal strategies. 2021 FMA Annual Meeting.
VISINTIN, S., ELVIRA, M. (2021). Índice de Dinamismo Laboral Meta4 IDL, Octubre del 2021. 13ª edición. IESE.
MITCHELL, J., RAHNEMA ALAVI, A., SIGURJONSSON, T. O. (2021). Carbfix: Storing CO2 forever - Teaching Note. IESE, FT-123-E.
ZAMORA, J., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2021). FC Barcelona: More Than a Club, More Than Data - Teaching Note. IESE, SIT-25-E.
JAVIER PIJOAN,, VILLANUEVA J., J., CARMEN BALMASEDA (2021). Barman: la oportunidad de Amazon. IESE, M-1383.
JAVIER PIJOAN,, VILLANUEVA J., J., CARMEN BALMASEDA (2021). Barman: The Amazon Opportunity. IESE, M-1383-E.
ESTRADA, J. (2021). Stealth Sports. IESE, F-976.
ESTRADA, J. (2021). Stealth Sports. IESE, F-976-E.
ESTRADA J., J. (2021). Stealth Sports - Teaching Note. IESE, FT-122-E.
FERRANDIZ, L., INIESTA, F. (2021). Interflora España: crecimiento del canal online. IESE, M-1387.
FERRANDIZ, L., INIESTA, F. (2021). Interflora Spain. Growing the Online Channel. IESE, M-1387-E.
ANTÓN, M., GINÉ, M., MA, D. (2021). Central Bank Digital Currencies. IESE, FN-645-E.
VROOM, G., SASTRE BOQUET, I., DESHMANE, A. (2021). Spotify: Face the Music (Update 2021). IESE, SM-1709-E.
RAHNEMA ALAVI, A. (2021). Carbfix: Storing CO2 forever. IESE, F-974-E.
GOMEZ-BISCARRI, J., LÓPEZ, G., MESA-TORO, A. (2021). The Risk implications of the business loan activity in credit unions. Journal of Financial Stability, 56. doi:10.1016/j.jfs.2021.100932.
TORIBIO, J. J., VIDELA, P. (2021). The Economic recovery: slower, with risks, but also hopeful. IESEconomics.
TORIBIO, J. J., VIDELA, P. (2021). La Recuperación económica: más lenta y con riesgos, pero también esperanzadora. IESEconomics.
BOLTON, P., KACPERCZYK, M. T., LEUZ, C., ORMAZABAL, G., REICHELSTEIN, S., SCHOENMAKER, D. (2021). Mandatory carbon disclosures and the path to net zero. Management and Business Review, 1 (3).
DE LA CIERVA, Y., RICO MÉNDEZ, S., GUZIK, P. (2021). A university crisis provoked by an online class. A communications case study on a social media turbulence. Church, Communication and Culture, 6 (2), 327-359. doi:10.1080/23753234.2021.1967177.