Publicaciones(23.157 resultados)
GARCÍA-CASTRO, R. (2021). Measuring Risk in Investment Projects: NPV at Risk. IESE, ADN-286-E.
BAUCELLS, M., HEUKAMP F. H., F. (2021). Risk Preferences and the Role of Intuition Under Uncertainty. IESE, ADN-287-E.
BAUCELLS, M., GARCÍA-CASTRO, R. (2021). Subjective Decisions, Perception, and Time. IESE, ADN-288-E.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). IESE Business School Insight, 160. SustainAbilities.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). IESE Business School Insight, 160. Liderazgo sostenible.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). SustainAbilities: understand, align, innovate and commit to building a more sustainable world. IESE Business School Insight, 160, pp. 8-38.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). Liderazgo sostenible: entender, alinear, innovar y comprometerse para crear un mundo más sostenible.. IESE Business School Insight (160).
DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2021). Culture wars: Take a stand or sit them out? IESE Business School Insight (160), pp. 60-67.
DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2021). Guerra cultural: posicionarte o mantenerte al margen. IESE Business School Insight (160), pp. 60-67.
SANDEL, M. J. (2021). In search of the common good. IESE Business School Insight (160), pp. 68-73.
SANDEL, M. J. (2021). En búsqueda del bien común. IESE Business School Insight (160), pp. 68-73.
SÁEZ DE TEJADA CUENCA, A., CARO, F., LANE, L. (2021). Mend your supply chain to prevent a brand disaster. IESE Business School Insight (160), pp. 74-81.
SÁEZ DE TEJADA CUENCA, A., CARO, F., LANE, L. (2021). Remienda tu cadena de suministro y evita que se desgaste tu marca. IESE Business School Insight (160), pp. 74-81.
BAUCELLS, M., HEUKAMP F. H., F. (2021). Las preferencias de riesgo y el papel de la intuición en la incertidumbre. IESE, ADN-287.
BAUCELLS, M., GARCÍA-CASTRO, R. (2021). Decisiones subjetivas, percepción, y tiempo. IESE, ADN-288.
SIMON, J. (2021). Search funds & entrepreneurial acquisitions. The Roadmap for buying a business and leading it to the next level. Victoria, BC: Tellwell Talent.
FITÉ NAVARRO, R. M., MEHTA, K., NUENO, P. (2021). Verbideas: un modelo nuevo para la innovación continua. Harvard Deusto Business Review, 317, pp. 68-77.
BOULONGNE, R., DURAND, R. (2021). Investment in intangibles and the performance of French manufacturing firms. Policy report commissioned by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, French Minister in charge of Industry. Bpifrance, France.
VIVES, X., FERRANDO, A., MCADAM, P., PETROULAKIS, F. (2021). Product market structure and monetary policy. Evidence from the Euro Area.
MARTÍNEZ DE ALBÉNIZ, V., BELKAID, A. (2021). Here comes the sun. fashion goods retailing under weather fluctuations. European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (3), 820-830. doi: