Publicaciones(22.781 resultados)
ESTRADA, J. (2004). Adjusting P/E ratios by growth and risk: A note. Finance Letters, 2 (5), 4 - 10.
DUTTON, W. H., KAHIN, B., O'CALLAGHAN, R., WYCKOFF, A. W. (2004). Transforming enterprise: The economic and social implications of information technology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
OLIVER, X. (2004). La gestión de los grupos globales de comunicación comercial. evolucion historica y propuesta de un modelo de gestion basado en la cadena de valor.
MACCIÓ R.,, BAUCELLS ALIBÉS, M. (2004). Car Gadgets. IESE, AD-294-E.
VIVES L.,, VALOR SABATIER, J. (2004). Competing for the Free Newspaper Industry in Spain: Metro vs Qué. IESE, SI-149-E.
CABOT, J., BAUCELLS ALIBÉS, M. (2004). Introduction to Optimization. IESE, ADN-265-E.
HEPP R.,, PRADA A., MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E. (2004). Saga Falabella: Inversión en una nueva tienda. IESE, F-776.
FORMAN C.,, PALENCIA, L. (2004). GAMESA, October 2004. The Valuation of Wind. IESE, C-735-E.
GIL FLORES, P., SUÁREZ, J. L. (2004). FITASA (B). Gestión empresa promotora. IESE, F-779.
SANTOMÁ, J. (2004). PressClipping (A): Relations with Suppliers. IESE, F-780-E.
PIÉ I.,, SANTOMÁ, J. (2004). Bank Negotiation. Firm-Bank Balance Sheet and Profitability Measures. IESE, FN-527-E.
SANTOMÁ, J. (2004). PressClipping (B): Negotiations with the Banks. IESE, F-781-E.
SANTOMÁ, J. (2004). PressClipping (C): Banking Conditions Survey. IESE, F-782-E.
FONT, V. (2004). Introducción a las decisiones comerciales. IESE, MN-346.
GUAL, J., TORRENS, L. (2004). La competitivitat de la indústria catalana. Revista Económica de Catalunya (49-50), pp. 83 - 100.
JOHNSON, R. (2004). Don't Begin Your Business Plan Project Without Addressing These Issues! IESE, EN-8-E.
ARIÑO, M. A. (2004). The Chall Project. IESE, AD-295-E.
VAN DEN BULTE, C., STREMERSCH, S. (2004). Social Contagion and Income Heterogeneity in New Product Diffusion. A Meta-Analytic Test. Marketing Science, 23 (4), 530 - 544. doi:10.1287/mksc.1040.0054.
FERNÁNDEZ, P. (2004). Reply to ¨The value of tax shields is equal to the present value of tax shields" (DI-576-E).
SACHON, M., PATÉ CORNELL, M. E. (2004). Managing technology development for safety-critical systems. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 51 (4), 451 - 461. doi:10.1109/TEM.2004.835086.