Publicaciones(23.171 resultados)
KASE, K., RIQUELME, H., SÁEZ, F. J. (2005). Nissan: The Ghosn Era. IESE, DG-1482-E.
SÁEZ, F. J., RIQUELME, H., KASE, K. (2005). Chihiro Kanagawa, President of Shin-Etsu Chemical. IESE, DG-1483-E.
SOLEY, J., RAHNEMA ALAVI, A. (2005). Basel II: Operational Risk in Financial Institutions. IESE, FN-537-E.
SOLEY, J. (2005). Private Banking. IESE, FN-454-E.
ESTRADA, J., KRITZMAN, M., MYRGREN, S., PAGE, S. (2005). Countries versus Industries in Europe. A Normative Portfolio Approach. Journal of Asset Management, 6 (2), 85 - 103. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jam.2240168.
RODRÍGUEZ PORRAS, J. M. (2005). El centro de servicios compartidos de Agilent Technologies en Barcelona. IESE, DPO-17.
SOLEY, J. (2005). Anclajes Torras. IESE, F-767-E.
DÁVILA, A., ELVIRA, M. (2005). Culture and human resource management in Latin America. In Marta Elvira, Anabella Davila (Eds.), Managing Human Resources in Latin America: An Agenda for International Leaders (pp. 3 - 24). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
ELVIRA, M., DÁVILA, A. (2005). Emergent directions for human resource management: Research in Latin America. In Marta Elvira, Anabella Davila (Eds.), Managing Human Resources in Latin America: An Agenda for International Leaders (pp. 235 - 252). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
SOLEY, J. (2005). Private Equity. IESE, FN-301-E.
MITCHELL, J., VELAMURI, R. (2005). Mittal Steel: The Making of the World's Largest Steel Company (A). IESE, E-82-E.
MITCHELL, J., VELAMURI, R. (2005). Mittal Steel: The Making of the World's Largest Steel Company (B). IESE, E-83-E.
ARGANDOÑA, A. (2005). The Dollar, the Euro and the Yuan at the Start of the 21st Century. IESE, ECON-417-E.
SÁEZ, F. J., RIQUELME, H., KASE, K. (2005). Masao Ogura's Haulage Revolution: Home Delivery Service (Takkyubin). IESE, DG-1484-E.
KASE, K., RIQUELME, H., SÁEZ, F. J. (2005). Nissan: La era Ghosn. IESE, DG-1482.
SOLEY, J. (2005). The Organisational Structure of Banking Supervision. IESE, FN-536-E.
BLACK, T., MILLER, P. (2005). Sakhizwe Con Roux Construction: Building the Nation (1965-2004). IESE, DPO-72-E.
RODRÍGUEZ-LLUESMA, C., BAILEY, D. E. (2005). Broadening the Scope: Exploring Three Knowledge Distinctions. Academy of Management Proceedings (pp. 1 - 6).
SEIDEL, M., LOCH, C., CHAHIL, S. (2005). Quo Vadis, automotive industry? A Vision of possible industry transformations. European Management Journal, 23 (4), 439-449. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2005.06.005.
GHEMAWAT, P. (2005). Strategy and the Business Landscape. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall.