Publicaciones(22.789 resultados)
REICHE, S. (2021). Research handbook of global leadership. Making a difference. Journal of International Business Studies.
STREMERSCH, S., WINER, R. S., CAMACHO, N. (2021). Faculty research incentives and business school health. A New perspective from and for marketing. Journal of Marketing, 85 (5), 1-21. doi:10.1177/00222429211001050.
SIMONS, R., DÁVILA, A. (2021). How top managers use the entrepreneurial gap to drive strategic change. European Accounting Review, 30 (4), 583-609. doi:10.1080/09638180.2020.1792959.
VÉLEZ-PEREIRA, A. M., DE LINARES, C., CANELA, M. Á., BELMONTE, J. (2021). Spatial distribution of fungi from the analysis of aerobiological data with a gamma function. Aerobiologia, 37 (3), 461-477. doi:10.1007/s10453-021-09696-6.
CARO, F., LANE, L., SÁEZ DE TEJADA CUENCA, A. (2021). Four myths about unauthorized subcontracting. MIT Sloan Management Review, 63 (1), 41-45.
SOLER, E. (2021). Holaluz: conectar personas a la energía verde. IESE, ASN-89.
SOLER, E., VÁZQUEZ-DODERO, J. C. (2021). Galenicum Health: La aventura de convertirse en una empresa farmacéutica global - Nota del instructor. IESE, ASNT-16.
PILKIS, T., CALLEJA, R. (2021). Am I Messing It Up?. Frequent Ethical Issues in Business. IESE, BEN-144-E.
VILLANUEVA, J., NUENO, J. L., BALMASEDA, C. (2021). Primark: Clouds Ahead? IESE, M-1386-E.
RIBERA A., A. (2021). Silvia Bianchi. Working and Living With a Perfectionist. IESE, DPO-749-E.
RIBERA A., A. (2021). Christopher Baden. The Blind Spot of a Brilliant Young Manager. IESE, DPO-750-E.
GARCÍA PONT, C., ROSENBERG, M. (2021). Real Club Deportivo Espanyol de Barcelona. Football Under the Shadow of the Pandemic. IESE, ASN-85-E.
REICHE, S. (2021). Foreign academic careers. Between placement, promotion and power. Workshop for junior faculty as part of the Autumn conference “Wissenschaftliche Kommission im VHB".
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). IESE Business School Insight, 159. The future of capitalism.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). The future of capitalism. How the next generation of business leaders can fix capitalism to have a more positive impact for all. IESE Business School Insight (159), pp. 8-34.
BOULONGNE, R. (2021). When the product offer isn’t clear, change the way people think about it. IESE Business School Insight (159), pp. 70-73.
CLARK, D. (2021). 4 principles to manage your career for the long term. IESE Business School Insight (159), pp. 74-81.
SABRIÀ, F., LAGO, A., KRAWCHUCK, F. (2021). Lessons from 9/11: Operations in times of crisis. IESE Business School Insight (159), pp. 60-69.
IESE INSIGHT, (2021). El futuro del capitalismo. Soluciones de la nueva generación de líderes empresariales para conseguir un impacto más positivo para todos. IESE Business School Insight (159), pp. 8-34.
CLARK, D. (2021). Cuatro principios para gestionar tu trayectoria a largo plazo. IESE Business School Insight, 159, pp. 74-81.