Publicaciones(23.157 resultados)
DE LA CIERVA, Y., ARMSTRONG, A. (2022). Leadership in Crisis: Toxic Donations at MIT (B). IESE, DPO-755-E.
ARMSTRONG, A., DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2022). Leadership in Crisis: Toxic Donations at MIT (A). IESE, DPO-754-E.
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E. (2022). LogisWare. In Search of Financing: Debt or Equity. IESE, F-986-E.
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E. (2022). LogisWare. In Search of Financing: debt vs equity - Preparation Sheet. IESE, FP-373-E.
MITCHELL, J., SIGURJONSSON, T. O., RAHNEMA ALAVI, A. (2022). ESG and Reykjavik Energy's First Green Bond. IESE, F-973-E.
SERRANO, A., SABRIÀ, F., GRANDES, M. J. (2022). Glassy Lenses. IESE, P-1201-E.
SERRANO, A., SABRIÀ, F., GRANDES, M. J. (2022). Glassy Lenses. IESE, P-1201.
GUAL, J., MAS, N. (2022). Ukraine, energy prices and labor reform: three key economic issues for Spain in 2022. IESEconomics.
GUAL, J., MAS, N. (2022). Ucrania, el precio de la energía y la reforma laboral, tres cuestiones que marcan el inicio de 2022. IESEconomics.
NECKEBROUCK, J. (2022). Why workforce “rents” may threaten strategy inferences from accounting measures of performance. Strategic Leadership and Corporate Governance Workshop - Esade.
SIEBER, S. (2022). FreshDirect: Forget Delivery. Our Business Is All About Food. IESE, SI-212-E.
ARMSTRONG, A., DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2022). Liderando en una crisis: Donaciones tóxicas al MIT (A). IESE, DPO-754.
DE LA CIERVA, Y., ARMSTRONG, A. (2022). Liderando en una crisis: Donaciones tóxicas al MIT (B). IESE, DPO-755.
VEDULA, S., DOBLINGER, C., PACHECO, D., YORK, J., BACQ, S., RUSSO, M., DEAN, T. J. (2022). Entrepreneurship for the public good. A Review, critique, and path forward for social and environmental entrepreneurship research. Academy of Management Annals, 16 (1), 391-425. doi:10.5465/annals.2019.0143.
BOSCH, M. J., LAS HERAS, M. (2022). Small changes that make a great difference. Reading, playing and eating with your children and the facilitating role of managers in Latin America. In Grau, M., Las Heras, M., and Riley-Bowles, H. (Eds.), Engaged fatherhood for men, families and gender equality (pp. 245-264). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
PENA MARIN, J., ADAVAL, R., SHEN, L. (2022). Fear in the stock market. How COVID-19 affects preference for high- and low-priced stocks. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 7 (1), 115-123. doi:10.1086/711930.
SIEBER, S. (2022). FreshDirect: Olvídese de la entrega. En nuestra empresa, lo que importa es la comida. IESE, SI-212.
DOMINGO, VIANNEY, V., MELÉ, D. (2022). Re-thinking management: insights from western classical humanism. Humanistic management: what can we learn from classical humanism? Humanistic Management Journal, 7 (1), 1-21. doi:10.1007/s41463-021-00115-z.
SOLER, E. (2022). Oakberry: The Gracia Store Decision - Teaching Note. IESE, ASNT-18-E.
WEINMANN, M., SCHNEIDER, C. (2022). Introduction to the minitrack on behavioral economics in the digital economy. Digital nudging and interface design. 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 4346-4347). Manoa, Hawaii: University of Hawaii.