Publicaciones(23.163 resultados)
ROSENMÖLLER, M. (2006). A Single Europe for Patients. European Patient Mobility. Alumni Magazine (103), pp. 28 - 31.
VÁZQUEZ- DODERO, J. C. (2006). Caesar, Brutus and Business Management. Learning Management Lessons from the Classics. Alumni Magazine (103), pp. 32 - 35.
IESE, (2006). «Debemos humanizar la globalización, no frenarla». Revista de Antiguos Alumnos.
ARGANDOÑA, A. (2006). La convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la corrupción y su impacto sobre las empresas internacionales (DI-656).
ARGANDOÑA, A. (2006). The United Nations convention against corruption and its impact on international companies (DI-656-E).
VIVES, X. (2006). Information sharing among firms. OP-07-3-E.
FERNÁNDEZ, P. (2006). The equity premium in finance and valuation textbooks (DI-657-E).
SEELOS, C., MAIR, J. (2006). Profitable business models and market creation in the context of deep poverty: A strategic view. OP-07-6-E.
CAMPA, J. M., FERNANDES, N. (2006). Sources of gains from international portfolio diversification. Journal of Empirical Finance, 13 (4-5), 417 - 443. doi:10.1016/j.jempfin.2006.01.001.
MELÉ, D. (2006). ¿Cómo se originan los escándalos financieros?. En Gómez, Javier Ibáñez, Antonio Partal (Eds.), El paradigma de la ética económica y financiera (pp. 57 - 72). Madrid: Marcial Pons.
GHEMAWAT, P. (2006). Apocalypse now? Harvard Business Review, 84 (10), pp. 32 - 32.
PRATS, F., SÁNCHEZ, M., AGELL, N., ORMAZABAL, G. (2006). An Evaluation Method with Imprecise Information for Multi-Attribute Decision Support. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4177 (1), 133 - 142. doi:10.1007/11881216_15.
EDWARDS, T., GUNNIGLE, P., QUINTANILLA, J., WÄCHTER, H. (2006). Overview of the host business systems. In Phil Almond, Anthony Ferner (Eds.), American multinationals in Europe: Managing Employment Relations across National Borders (pp. 57 - 75). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ALMOND, P., MULLER-CARMEN, M., COLLINGS, D., QUINTANILLA, J. (2006). Pay and performance. In Phil Almond, Anthony Ferner (Eds.), American multinationals in Europe: Managing Employment Relations across National Borders (pp. 119 - 145). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
FERNER, A., GUNNIGLE, P., QUINTANILLA, J., WÄCHTER, H., EDWARDS, T. (2006). Centralization. In Phil Almond, Anthony Ferner (Eds.), American multinationals in Europe: Managing Employment Relations across National Borders (pp. 197 - 222). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
EDWARDS, T., COLLINGS, D., QUINTANILLA, J., TEMPEL, A. (2006). Innovation and the transfer of organizational learning. In Phil Almond, Anthony Ferner (Eds.), American multinationals in Europe: Managing Employment Relations across National Borders (pp. 223 - 247). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
WÄCHTER, H., PETERS, R., FERNER, A., GUNNIGLE, P., QUINTANILLA, J. (2006). The role of the international personnel function. In Phil Almond, Anthony Ferner (Eds.), American multinationals in Europe: Managing Employment Relations across National Borders (pp. 248 - 270). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ARGANDOÑA, A., CARRASQUERO C. (2006). Análisis de la sostenibilidad de la deuda pública. Estrategia Financiera (232), pp. 32 - 35.
IESE, (2006). HR Professionals Need to Translate Business Plans Into Action.
NEBBIA E.,, BAUCELLS ALIBÉS, M. (2006). Consejos y trucos básicos para Excel. IESE, ADN-262.