Publicaciones(22.781 resultados)
CHUGHTAI, M. S., SYED, F., NASEER, S., CHINCHILLA, N. (2024). Role of adaptive leadership in learning organizations to boost organizational innovations with change self-efficacy. CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 43 (33), 27262-27281. doi:10.1007/s12144-023-04669-z.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2024). Muchas gracias, maestro. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2024). De la adversidad a la excelencia.. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2024). ¡Pobre democracia! Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2024). POLÍTICA, cuestión de carácter.. Expansión.
LIPPERT, S., DREBER, A., JOHANNESSON, M., TIERNEY, W., CYRUS-LAI, W., UHLMANN, E. L., EMOTION EXPRESSION COLLABORATION, ... PFEIFFER, T. (2024). Can large language models help predict results from a complex behavioural science study? Royal Society Open Science, 11 (9), article 240682. doi:10.1098/rsos.240682.
LAS HERAS, M., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2024). Castellers: el reto de tocar el cielo. IESE, DPO-868.
LOPEZ, D., OLIVER, M., VILÀ, J. (2024). Transformación innovadora. El fin del departamento de innovación tal y como lo conocemos. Harvard Deusto Business Review (347).
SIEBER, S. (2024). An executive's guide to generative AI. Finding the right use cases and crafting effective prompts. IESE, EN-42-E.
SIEBER, S. (2024). Guía ejecutiva de la IA generativa. Cómo identificar los casos de uso adecuados y hacer prompts efectivos. IESE, EN-42.
RANEY, R., SOLER, E. (2024). EnGuang Solar: the strategic shift to monocrystalline solar panels? - Teaching note. IESE, CT-40-E.
IDE, E., MONTERO , J.-P. (2024). Monopolization with must-haves. American Economic Journal-Microeconomics, 16 (3), 284–320. doi:10.1257/mic.20230018.
GIL, R., XING, J. (2024). Political backlash and consumer boycotts. Impact of the NFB relocation on movie demand in Quebec. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS-REVUE CANADIENNE D ECONOMIQUE, 57 (3), 933-960. doi:10.1111/caje.12730.
STAHL, G. K., AKKAN, E., REICHE, S., HAJRO, A., ZELLMER-BRUHN, M., LAZAROVA, M., RICHTER, N. F., CAPRAR, D. V., ZIKIC, J., BJÖRKMAN, I., BREWSTER, C., CERDIN, J.-L., CLEGG, C. C., DAVOINE, E., KOVESHNIKOV, A., MAYRHOFER, W., ... ZANDER, L. (2024). Linking institutional context to the community and career embeddedness of skilled migrants: The role of destination- and origin-country identifications. Journal of International Business Studies, 55 (6), 703-722. doi:10.1057/s41267-024-00683-w.
TARZIJAN, J., SNIHUR, Y. (2024). Centralization Decisions in Multisided Platform Portfolios. Academy of Management Perspectives, 38 (3), 304-324. doi:10.5465/amp.2023.0075.
ANTÓN, M., EDERER, F., GINÉ, M., SCHMALZ, M. C. (2024). Innovation: The Bright side of common ownership? Management Science. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2024.04363.
KARHU, K., HEISKALA, M., RITALA, P., THOMAS, L. D. W. (2024). Positive, negative, and amplified network externalities in platform markets. Academy of Management Perspectives, 38 (3), 349-367. doi:10.5465/amp.2023.0119.
VIVES, X., VRAVOSINOS, O. (2024). Strategic complementarity in games. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 113, Article 103005. doi:10.1016/j.jmateco.2024.103005.
ROSSIGNAC-MILON, M., SCHMALBACH, B., KELLER, V. N., CORNWELL, J. F. M., HIGGINS, E. T., ECHTERHOFF, G. (2024). The role of target‐specific shared reality in interpersonal interactions and protective health behaviours. European Journal of Social Psychology. doi:10.1002/ejsp.3095.
WANG, S., ROFCANIN, Y., LAS HERAS, M., BOSCH, M. J., HALL, D. T., IDROVO, S. (2024). A fit perspective to family supportive supervisor behaviors. Exploring the role of protean career orientation on employee outcomes. European Management Journal, 42 (4), 623-632. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2023.04.007.