Publicaciones(23.156 resultados)
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2022). Pinta muy bien. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2022). Cuidando la base piramidal. Expansión.
BAO, S., HAFENBRÄDL, S. (2022). When and why audience ‘admire’ corporate scandals. GRONEN 2022 Research Conference.
REICHE, S. (2022). So überwinden Sie im Homeoffice das Problem der dreifachen Distanz. WELT.
LAGO, A. (2022). Torre de control del aeropuerto de Barcelona. IESE, OITI-3.
FRASCHINI, M., SOMOZA, L., TERRACCIANO, T. (2022). Central bank digital currency and quantitative easing. 26th Spring Meeting of Young Economists.
IBRAHIM, J., LOCH, C., SENGUPTA, K. (2022). How megaprojects are damaging Nigeria and how to fix it. A Practical guide to mastering very large government projects. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
DYRENG, S., HILLEGEIST, S. A., PEÑALVA, F. (2022). Earnings management to avoid debt covenant violations and future performance. European Accounting Review, 31 (2), 311-343. doi:10.1080/09638180.2020.1826337.
THOMAS, L. D. W., TEE, R. (2022). Generativity: a systematic review and conceptual framework. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS, 24 (2), 255-278. doi:10.1111/ijmr.12277.
CONTI, R., KACPERCZYK, O., VALENTINI, G. (2022). Institutional protection of minority employees and entrepreneurship. Evidence from the LGBT employment non-discrimination acts. Strategic Management Journal, 43 (4), 758-791. doi:10.1002/smj.3340.
ANTÓN, M., AZAR, J., GINÉ, M., LIN, L. X. (2022). Beyond the target: M&A decisions and rival ownership. Journal of Financial Economics, 144 (1), 44-66. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2022.01.002.
CHEN, Y.-C., MUELLER-FRANK, M., PAI, M. M. (2022). Continuous implementation with direct revelation mechanisms. Journal of Economic Theory, 201, Article 105422. doi:10.1016/j.jet.2022.105422.
MIGUEL A. ARIÑO,, RODRÍGUEZ MARISCAL, M. (2022). BioRecilGent (A). IESE, AD-380.
MIGUEL A. ARIÑO,, RODRÍGUEZ MARISCAL, M. (2022). BioRecilGent (B). IESE, AD-381.
SAMILA, S., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2022)., Inc: The AI Transformation. IESE, SM-1724-E.
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E. (2022). LogisTech. In Search of Financing: Debt or Equity - Teaching note. IESE, FT-127-E.
SAN MARTÍN, Á., QUINTANILLA, J. (2022). Charles Axelrod (A): El dilema de un CEO. IESE, DPO-766.
SAN MARTÍN, Á., QUINTANILLA, J. (2022). Charles Axelrod (B): Afrontando decisiones. IESE, DPO-767.
BLÁZQUEZ, M. L., BALMASEDA, C., CANALS, J. (2022). Retos empresariales y competencias profesionales necesarias después de la COVID-19: el impacto sobre el empleo juvenil. IESE.
PLAMENOVA DJOUROVA, N., ORTIZ, E., RIBERA, A. (2022). The MINDSET Coaching Model. A Balanced Integration of Academic Rigor and Action-Oriented Practice. IESE, DPON-353-E.