Publicaciones(23.156 resultados)
ALSAEDI, B., NEWELL, S., GKEREDAKIS, M. (2022). Power dynamics as embedded in the enactment of technological change practices. ECIS 2022 Research Papers. 3. Association for Information Systems.
CASSIMAN, B., RICART, J. E., VALENTINI, G. (2022). Commitment and competitive advantage in a digital world. 7th International Conference on New Business Model. INFORMS Society for Marketing Science.
JOO, H., AGUINIS, H., LEE, J., KREMER, H., VILLAMOR, I. (2022). HRM’s financial value from obtaining more star performers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33 (21), 4179-4214. doi:10.1080/09585192.2021.1948890.
MÜLLER-TREDE, J., SHER, S., MCKENZIE, C. R. M. (2022). On risk seeking and risk aversion for qualitative losses. 2022 Advances in Decision Analysis Conference.
PINHEIRO SAURIN, L., PRATS, M. J. (2022). Findasense (A). Expandir una experiencia del cliente significativa. IESE, E-227.
JACOB, M., WENTLAND, K., WENTLAND, S. A. (2022). Real effects of tax uncertainty. Evidence from firm capital investments. Management Science, 68 (6), 4065-4089, iv-v. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2021.4072.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2022). Mereció la pena trasnochar. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2022). Envidia cochina. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2022). Historias gratificantes. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2022). Un canto a la diversidad. Expansión.
ARIÑO, M. A. (2022). A Framework for decomposing the GDP of a country. Industry Studies Association 2022 Annual Conference.
SACCHETTO, S., HUANG, T. (2022). Surfing the cycle. Cyclical investment opportunities and firms' risky financial assets. European Financial Management Association 2022 Annual Conference.
RAPONI, V., ZAFFARONI, P. (2022). Dissecting anomalies with large cross-sections. VieCo 2022 - Vienna-Copenhagen Conference on Financial Econometrics.
FRASCHINI, M., PIQUARD, T., TERRACCIANO, T. (2022). FX hedging, currency choice, and dollar dominance. SFI Research Days 2022.
FRASCHINI, M., SOMOZA, L., TERRACCIANO, T. (2022). Central bank digital currency and quantitative easing. 2022 ECB Forum on Central Banking.
FRASCHINI, M., SOMOZA, L., TERRACCIANO, T. (2022). Central Bank Digital Currency and Quantitative Easing. The Future(s) of Money.
MEULEMAN, M., WILSON, N., WRIGHT, M., NECKEBROUCK, J. (2022). When the going gets tough. Private equity firms' role as agents and the resolution of financial distress in buyouts. Journal of Small Business Management, 60 (3), 513-540. doi:
SNIHUR, Y., THOMAS, L. D. W., GARUD, R., PHILLIPS, N. (2022). Entrepreneurial framing. A Literature review and future research directions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46 (3), 578-606. doi:10.1177/10422587211000336.
VILLAESCUSA, N., AMAT, O. (2022). When collusion meets the fraud triangle: a case study approach. Journal of Financial Crime, 29 (3), 805-815. doi:10.1108/JFC-05-2021-0111.
HEARD, C., REUTSKAJA, E., FASOLO, B. (2022). It´s all about Soul!. Why sort, order and use labeling results in smart scorecards. In Mazar, Mina ; Soman, Dilip (Eds.), Behavioral Science in the Wild. University of Toronto Press .