Publicaciones(22.787 resultados)
REICHE, S. (2022). So überwinden Sie im Homeoffice das Problem der dreifachen Distanz. WELT.
LAGO, A. (2022). Torre de control del aeropuerto de Barcelona. IESE, OITI-3.
DYRENG, S., HILLEGEIST, S. A., PEÑALVA, F. (2022). Earnings management to avoid debt covenant violations and future performance. European Accounting Review, 31 (2), 311-343. doi:10.1080/09638180.2020.1826337.
THOMAS, L. D. W., TEE, R. (2022). Generativity: a systematic review and conceptual framework. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS, 24 (2), 255-278. doi:10.1111/ijmr.12277.
CONTI, R., KACPERCZYK, O., VALENTINI, G. (2022). Institutional protection of minority employees and entrepreneurship. Evidence from the LGBT employment non-discrimination acts. Strategic Management Journal, 43 (4), 758-791. doi:10.1002/smj.3340.
ANTÓN, M., AZAR, J., GINÉ, M., LIN, L. X. (2022). Beyond the target: M&A decisions and rival ownership. Journal of Financial Economics, 144 (1), 44-66. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2022.01.002.
CHEN, Y.-C., MUELLER-FRANK, M., PAI, M. M. (2022). Continuous implementation with direct revelation mechanisms. Journal of Economic Theory, 201, Article 105422. doi:10.1016/j.jet.2022.105422.
MIGUEL A. ARIÑO,, RODRÍGUEZ MARISCAL, M. (2022). BioRecilGent (A). IESE, AD-380.
MIGUEL A. ARIÑO,, RODRÍGUEZ MARISCAL, M. (2022). BioRecilGent (B). IESE, AD-381.
SAMILA, S., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2022)., Inc: The AI Transformation. IESE, SM-1724-E.
MARTÍNEZ ABASCAL, E. (2022). LogisTech. In Search of Financing: Debt or Equity - Teaching note. IESE, FT-127-E.
SAN MARTÍN, Á., QUINTANILLA, J. (2022). Charles Axelrod (A): El dilema de un CEO. IESE, DPO-766.
SAN MARTÍN, Á., QUINTANILLA, J. (2022). Charles Axelrod (B): Afrontando decisiones. IESE, DPO-767.
CANALS, J., BLÁZQUEZ, M. L. (2022). Retos empresariales y competencias profesionales necesarias después de la COVID-19: el impacto sobre el empleo juvenil. IESE.
PLAMENOVA DJOUROVA, N., ORTIZ, E., RIBERA, A. (2022). The MINDSET Coaching Model. A Balanced Integration of Academic Rigor and Action-Oriented Practice. IESE, DPON-353-E.
CANALS, J. (2022). The Role of the Board of Directors in Corporate Transformation. IESE, SMN-708-E.
CANALS, J. (2022). The Changing Nature and Functions of Boards of Directors (WP-1307-E). Barcelona: IESE.
CANALS, J. (2022). From Financial Performance to ESG Results: How to Assess the Firm's Overall Impact (WP-1308-E). Barcelona: IESE.
RICART, J. E., REY, C. (2022). Purpose in corporate governance. The Path towards a more sustainable world. Sustainability, 14 (8), Article 4384. doi:10.3390/su14084384.
CASSIMAN B., B., SAMILA, S., ISAAC SASTRE (2022). The Four Disruptions: the Automotive Industry in the 2020s. IESE, SM-1723-E.