Publicaciones(22.716 resultados)
PINTO-GARAY, J., SCALZO, G., RODRÍGUEZ-LLUESMA, C. (2022). The Narrative dimension of productive work. Craftsmanship and collegiality in the quest for excellence in modern productivity. Philosophy of Management, 21 (2), 245–264. doi:10.1007/s40926-021-00188-8.
MAORET, M., MARCHESINI, G., ERTUG, G. (2022). On the status shocks of tournament rituals. How ritual enactment affects productivity, input provision, and performance. Academy of Management Journal, 66 (3), 926-952. doi:10.5465/amj.2020.0585.
SAKASAI, Y., ORMAZÁBAL, G., CANALS, J. (2022). 2022 IESE Survey on Boards of Directors: Corporate Purpose, Culture and Strategy. IESE.
ROSENBERG, M. (2022). The Leading Electronics Green Movement: How To Go Global. IESE, SM-1719-E.
SAMILA, S., WEHRHEIM, D., BIQUEZ TALAYERO, J., BAEZA, A. (2022). Boeing 737 (A). Developing The Best-Selling Airplanes of Tomorrow. IESE, SM-1727-E.
SAMILA, S., WEHRHEIM, D., BIQUEZ TALAYERO, J., BAEZA, A. (2022). Boeing 737 (B). IESE, SM-1728-E.
SAMILA, S., WEHRHEIM, D., BIQUEZ TALAYERO, J., BAEZA, A. (2022). Boeing 737 (C). IESE, SM-1729-E.
ALMANDOZ, J., SAMILA, S. (2022). The Promotion Decision. IESE, DPO-776-E.
VALOR SABATIER, J., ZAMORA, J., PÉREZ BALAGUER, J., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2022). Tramsa Mobility on the Ropes: Dealing with a Cyberattack - Teaching Note. IESE, SIT-26-E.
ARGANDOÑA, A., PASTOR, A. (2022). Verdades sobre la transición energética, y otros retos de la economía. IESEconomics.
VALENTÍ, A. (2022). Shopping distancing. The Impact of travel cost on shopping destination choices. 44th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference. INFORMS Society for Marketing Science.
SAMILA, S., BAEZA, A. (2022). Intel. Competition Heats up in the Processor Market. IESE, SM-1730-E.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R., STEIN, G. (2022). Digital Insurance: una estrategia de compensación (A). IESE, DPO-773.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R., STEIN, G. (2022). Digital Insurance: una estrategia de compensación (B). IESE, DPO-774.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R., STEIN, G. (2022). Digital Insurance: una estrategia de compensación (C). IESE, DPO-775.
ARGANDOÑA, A., PASTOR, A. (2022). Hard truths about the energy transition -- and other economic challenges. IESEconomics.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R., STEIN, G. (2022). Digital Insurance: una estrategia de compensación (A, B y C) - Nota del instructor. IESE, DPOT-118.
VARELA, J., GARCÍA PRAT, A. (2022). La fragmentación del sistema, un reto para el Value-Based Health Care. IESE, P-1203.
VARELA, J., GARCÍA PRAT, A. (2022). La fragmentación del sistema un reto para el "Value-Based Health Care". IESE, PN-523.
VARELA, J., GARCÍA PRAT, A. (2022). La fragmentación del sistema, un reto para el "Value-Based Health Care" - Hoja de preparación. IESE, PP-224.