Publicaciones(22.716 resultados)
MARTÍNEZ DE ALBÉNIZ, V., PINTO, C., AMORIM, P. (2022). Driving supply to marketplaces. Optimal platform pricing when suppliers share inventory. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24 (4), 1887-2386. doi:10.1287/msom.2022.1105.
REUTSKAJA, E. (2022). Behavioral Experiment (A). Behavioral Insights Marketing Research Exercise. IESE, ME-6-E.
REUTSKAJA, E. (2022). Behavioral experiments. Experts (B). Behavioral Insights Marketing Research Exercise.. IESE, ME-7-E.
BERRONE, P., CARRASCO-FARRÉ, C., PLANA, A., RICART, J. E., TRUPIA, G. (2022). Innovating Through PPPs: The Case of Economic Development in Barcelona. IESE.
REUTSKAJA, E. (2022). Focus Groups (A). Behavioral Insights Marketing Research Exercise. IESE, ME-8-E.
REUTSKAJA, E. (2022). Focus Groups: Experts (B). Behavioral Insights Marketing Research Exercise.. IESE, ME-9-E.
REUTSKAJA, E. (2022). In-Depth Interviews (B). Behavioral Insights Marketing Research Exercise. IESE, ME-11-E.
REUTSKAJA, E. (2022). Observational Study (A). Behavioral Insights Marketing Research Exercise. IESE, ME-12-E.
REUTSKAJA, E. (2022). Observational study: Experts (B). Behavioral Insights Marketing Research Exercise.. IESE, ME-13-E.
RANEY, R. (2022). Tidal Cloud: Cost Allocation in the Cloud. IESE, C-806-E.
ROURE, J., CABALLERO MEDINA, L., DE SAN JOSÉ RIESTRA, A. (2022). Informe Business Angels 2022. La inversión en startups. Actividad y tendencias.
ROURE, J., CABALLERO MEDINA, L., DE SAN JOSÉ RIESTRA, A. (2022). Business Angel Report 2022. Investment in start-ups. Activity and trends.
ARIÑO, Á., BUXEDA, T., JORDI CARRILLO, XAVIER LÓPEZ, X., ESPERANZA MOLINS, E. (2022). Cómo las alianzas fortalecen la economía social. Un marco para vencer las reticencias del sector en España. IESE, OP-627.
SERRANO, A., LAGO A., A. (2022). Hospital HCM: ¿Invertir para crecer? IESE, P-1202.
SERRANO, A., LAGO A., A. (2022). HCM Hospital: Invest to Grow? IESE, P-1202-E.
SERRANO, A. (2022). HCM Hospital: Invest to Grow? - Teaching Note. IESE, PT-83-E.
BERTOLASO, M., CAPONE, L., RODRÍGUEZ-LLUESMA, C. (2022). Introduction. In Bertolaso, M.; Capone, L.; & Rodriguez-Lluesma, C. (Eds.), Digital humanism: a human-centric approach to digital technologies (pp. 1-9). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
BERTOLASO, M., CAPONE, L., RODRÍGUEZ-LLUESMA, C. (2022). Digital humanism. A Human-centric approach to digital technologies. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
NEACSU, I., ELVIRA, M., RODRÍGUEZ-LLUESMA, C., ESCARLAT, E. (2022). Connectivity in the virtual office space. Catalyst or impediment to TMT agility?. In Bertolaso, M., Capone, L., & Rodriguez-Lluesma, C. (Eds.), Digital humanism: a human-centric approach to digital technologies (pp. 193-219). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
ROBERTSON, W., RODRÍGUEZ-LLUESMA, C. (2022). Ideology as values versus ideology as optimization. The Meaning of ideology in management. 38th EGOS Colloquium.