Publicaciones(23.156 resultados)
KÄMMER, J. E., CHOSHEN-HILLEL, S., MÜLLER-TREDE, J., BLACK, S. L., WEIBLER, J. (2023). A systematic review of empirical studies on advice-based decisions in behavioral and organizational research.. Decision, 10 (2), 150-152. doi:10.1037/dec0000199.
BERRONE, P., ROUSSEAU, H. E., RICART, J. E., BRITO, E., GIULIODORI, A. (2023). How can research contribute to the implementation of sustainable development goals? An interpretive review of SDG literature in management. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS, 25 (2), 318-339. doi:10.1111/ijmr.12331.
FERRÁNDIZ, L., INIESTA, F., VILLANUEVA, J. (2023). Pompeii: A Step Forward. IESE, M-1394-E.
FERRÁNDIZ, L., INIESTA, F., VILLANUEVA, J. (2023). Pompeii: un paso adelante. IESE, M-1394.
ROSANAS, J. M. (2023). The Dehumanization and Demoralization of Management Control Systems: Can we possibly Re-Humanize and Re-Moralize Them? (WP-1310-E). Barcelona: IESE.
RIBERA, J., IBÁÑEZ GARCÍA, J. (2023). Telemedicina e innovación en diabetes. Implementación eficiente en pacientes crónicos con DM2 tratados con insulina. IESE.
JULIO WAIS,, PALENCIA, L., TOSCANI, G. (2023). Julio Wais. An NFT Opportunity? IESE, ASN-98-E.
PARDO TORREGROSA, J., FONTRODONA, J. (2023). Los criterios ESG en las pymes. Integrando la sostenibilidad en las pymes. IESE.
NECKEBROUCK, J., MEULEMAN, M. (2023). Amy's Buyout: Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (A). Buying a Business is Entrepreneurship Too. IESE, E-228-E.
SACHON, M. (2023). Nike: Sustainable Supply Chain in Times of Covid-19. IESE, OIT-18-E.
SACHON, M. (2023). Nike: la cadena de suministro sostenible en tiempos de la covid-19. IESE, OIT-18.
(2023). Amy's Buyout: Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (A). To Buy or Not to Buy? Assessing the Target. IESE, EP-14-E.
NECKEBROUCK, J., MEULEMAN, M. (2023). Amy's Buyout: Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (B). To Buy or Not To Buy? Assessing the Target. IESE, E-232-E.
NECKEBROUCK, J., MEULEMAN, M. (2023). Amy's Buyout: Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (C). Final Negotiations. IESE, E-233-E.
(2023). Amy's Buyout: Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (A, B and C) - Teaching Note. IESE, ET-58-E.
(2023). Amy's Buyout: Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (A) - Preparation Sheet. Buying a Business is Entrepreneurship Too. IESE, EP-13-E.
CURTIS, A., LOH, W. T., RANEY, R. (2023). Financial asset aggregation and information loss.
ZHANG, H. (2023). Jump bidding as a signaling game. 17th WEAI International Conference. Western Economic Association International.
ZHANG, H. (2023). Jump bidding as a signaling game. 21st Annual International Industrial Organization Conference. Boston: Industrial Organization Society.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2023). La mente, el mejor golpe. Expansión.