Publicaciones(23.156 resultados)
LINARES, C., SELLIER, A.-L., HASSIN, R. R. (2023). The Brands in our facial appearance. La Londe Conference 2023.
ARIÑO, M. A. (2023). A way to measure economic uncertainty. Industry Studies Association 2023 Annual Conference.
YAVUZ, M. (2023). An Interactive algorithm for optimization with unknown value function. 2023 INFORMS Manufactuing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Conference.
ANO, L., MARTÍNEZ DE ALBÉNIZ, V. (2023). Inference of a firm’s learning process from product launches. SSRN Electronic Journal.
ALEGRE, I., ARIÑO, M. A. (2023). Ethics and learning in organizations. In Poff, Deborah C. and Michalos, Alex C. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
ERERDI, C., WANG, S., ROFCANIN, Y., LAS HERAS, M. (2023). Understanding flexibility i-deals. Integrating performance motivation in the context of Colombia. PERSONNEL REVIEW, 52 (4), 1094-1109. doi:10.1108/PR-08-2019-0419.
GALDINO, K. M., ELLIS, K. M., LAMONT, B. T., ARIÑO, A. (2023). Institutional determinants of ownership stake in cross‐border acquisitions in Africa. The moderating role of geographic distance. Thunderbird International Business Review, 65 (3), 311-323. doi:10.1002/tie.22329.
WAGNER, L., CALVO, E., AMORIM, P. (2023). Better Together! The Consumer Implications of Delivery Consolidation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25 (3), 903-920. doi:10.1287/msom.2023.1200.
ANTÓN, M., EDERER, F., GINÉ, M., SCHMALZ, M. (2023). Common ownership, competition, and top management incentives. Journal of Political Economy, 131 (5), 1294 – 1355. doi:10.1086/722414.
ANTÓN, M., EDERER, F., GINÉ, M., PELLEGRINO, B. (2023). Mergers and acquisitions under common ownership. AEA Papers and Proceedings (pp. 294-298). American Economic Association.
VOGEL, R. (2023). No employee left behind: creating a sense of belonging at work. IESE Business School Insight (164), pp. 76-83.
VOGEL, R. (2023). No dejes a nadie atrás. IESE Business School Insight (164), pp. 76-83.
SCHNEIDER, C. (2023). How are you feeling? Ask your computer mouse! IESE Business School Insight (164), pp. 64-71.
SCHNEIDER, C. (2023). ¿Cómo estás? ¡Pregúntale al ratón! IESE Business School Insight (164), pp. 64-71.
JOHNSON, R. (2023). A Note to Investors Who Are New to Search Funds. IESE, OP-630-E.
LAVERGNE, G., SIMON, J., YODER, A. (2023). EBItDA. Tax Strategy as Capital Allocation Consideration in Entrepreneurial Acquisitions. IESE.
ANTÓN, M., GINÉ, M., EUFINGER, C., SACCHETTO, S. (2023). HIFU TAOC: Investing in Tech Projects. Introduction to Project Valuation. IESE, F-996-E.
ROURE, J., CABALLERO MEDINA, L. (2023). Informe Business Angels 2023. La inversión en startups : actividad y tendencias.
SAMILA, S., BERRONE, P. (2023). OpenAI and the Large Language Model Market. IESE, SM-1742-E.
MARKAKIS, M. G., ORFANOUDAKI, A. (2023). Revenue Management at Albatros Spa Resort Hotel. IESE, OIT-21-E.