Publicaciones(22.787 resultados)
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2023). Marejadas varias. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2023). Talento-carrera, una complicidad distintiva. Expansión.
BORNEMANN, T., JACOB, M., SAILER, M. (2023). Do Corporate taxes affect executive compensation? The Accounting Review, 98 (2), 31-58. doi:10.2308/TAR-2019-0567.
JACOB, M., TODTENHAUPT, M. (2023). Withholding taxes, compliance cost, and foreign portfolio investment. The Accounting Review, 98 (2), 299-327. doi:10.2308/TAR-2020-0721.
TERRACCIANO, T., SOMOZA, L., JAUNIN, C. (2023). Are green funds for real?. 16th Financial Risks International Forum.
CHINCHILLA, N., GARCÍA, P., LLEO, Á. (2023). Transcendent communication in the company. An indispensable leadership competency for sustainability. In Pfeffermann, N. ; Schaller, M. (Eds.), New Leadership Communication—Inspire Your Horizon (pp. 223-232). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
ORMAZABAL, G., N'GATTA, D., RANEY, R. (2023). Trading of emission allowances and financial frictions. Sustainability Reporting and Control Conference.
TERRACCIANO, T. (2023). Are green funds for real?. 17th Financial Risks International Forum.
STEIN, G., ANTA CALLERSTEN, C., MEHTA, K., MARTÍN, M. (2023). Traslado a Grenoble (A). IESE, NEG-7.
STEIN, G., MEHTA, K., MARTÍN, M. (2023). Traslado a Grenoble A y B - Nota del instructor. IESE, NEGT-4.
STEIN, G., MARTÍN, M. (2023). Stewart Silver: una expatriación a Arabia Saudí - Nota del instructor. IESE, NEGT-5.
STEIN, G., ANTA CALLERSTEN, C., MEHTA, K., MARTÍN, M. (2023). Traslado a Grenoble (B). IESE, NEG-8.
STEIN, G., MEHTA, K., MARTÍN, M. (2023). Stewart Silver: una expatriación a Arabia Saudí. IESE, NEG-9.
CAVOTTA, V., PALAZZO, G., VACCARO, A. (2023). Mobilizing after corporate environmental irresponsibility in a community of place. A Framing microprocess perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 182 (4), 1155-1169. doi:10.1007/s10551-021-04983-1.
PENNER, A. M., PETERSEN, T., HERMANSEN, A. S., RAINEY, A., BOZA, I., ELVIRA, M., GODECHOT, O., HÄLLSTEN, M., HENRIKSEN, L. F., HOU, F., MRČELA, A. K., KING, J., KODAMA, N., KRISTAL, T., KŘÍŽKOVÁ, A., LIPPÉNYI, Z., MELZER, S. M., MUN, E., APASCARITEI, P., AVENT-HOLT, D., BANDELJ, N., HAJDU, G., JUNG, J., POJE, A., SABANCI, H., SAFI, M., SOENER, M., TOMASKOVIC-DEVEY, D., ... TUFAIL, Z. (2023). Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries. Nature Human Behaviour, 7 (2), 184-189. doi:10.1038/s41562-022-01470-z.
SNIHUR, Y., THOMAS, L. D. W., BURGELMAN, R. A. (2023). Strategically Managing the Business Model Portfolio Trajectory. California Management Review, 65 (2), 156-176. doi:10.1177/00081256221140930.
KOCHANOWSKA, E., REUTSKAJA, E. (2023). Temporal Discounting, or Why We Want Things NOW. IESE, MN-414-E.
MARKAKIS, M. (2023). Infinite Blue... With Finite Budget: Pricing a Cruise in the Aegean. IESE, OIT-7-E.
EGAÑA, J., MARKAKIS, M. (2023). Revenue Management Forensics in Adriatic Wings. IESE, OIT-8-E.
NUENO, J. L., URIEN LUZÓN, A. (2023). El comportamiento del sector de la moda en el 2022: Barómetro Fintonic Intent HQ. IESE.