Publicaciones(23.156 resultados)
CORSETTI, G., EICHENGREEN, B., VIVES, X., ZETTELMEYER, J. (2023). The International economic and financial order after the pandemic and war.
IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL,, VEEPEE (2023). The future of ecommerce in Spain. IESE, Barcelona, Spain.
ROSANAS, J. M. (2023). Vilfredo Pareto as a Forerunner of Management. The Pareto Foundations of Some Management Theories (WP-1311-E). Barcelona: IESE.
PINHEIRO SAURIN, L., PRATS, M. J. (2023). Findasense (B). A New Path for Scaling Up. IESE, E-238-E.
PINHEIRO SAURIN, L., PRATS, M. J. (2023). Findasense (A and B) - Teaching Note. Scaling Up Meaningful CX. IESE, ET-59-E.
DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2023). El "día D" de Dia - Lecciones de liderazgo en una crisis corporativa (A). Lecciones de liderazgo en una crisis corporativa. IESE, DPO-797.
DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2023). El "día D" de Dia - Lecciones de liderazgo en una crisis corporativa (B). Lecciones de liderazgo en una crisis corporativa. IESE, DPO-817.
MEMARIAN, M., PISANI, N., BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E. (2023). Are more inclusive and sustainable cities home to better performing firms? A global study. EURAM Conference 2023: Transforming Business for Good.
RICART, J. E. (2023). The Design of relational business models. EURAM Conference 2023: Transforming Business for Good.
DURO, M. (2023). Vidrala 2017: Deciphering Its Annual Report. IESE, C-814-E.
DURO, M. (2023). How to Analyze an Annual Report. IESE, CN-245-E.
DURO, M. (2023). Vidrala 2017: Deciphering Its Annual Report - Teaching Note. IESE, CT-39-E.
MASANA, J., PRATS, M. J. (2023). Análisis de una nueva generación de start-ups en España y Portugal. CaixaBank.
EUFINGER, C. (2023). Banking with N26. IESE, F-998-E.
EUFINGER, C. (2023). Risk management at Silicon Valley Bank. IESE, F-997-E.
PRATS, M. J., BRIA, V. E. (2023). Xkelet. One Technology, Many Markets. IESE, E-237-E.
FONTRODONA, J. (2023). Marshall Bradley en Hoffman & Lucas (A). IESE, BE-220.
FONTRODONA, J. (2023). Marshall Bradley en Hoffman & Lucas (B). IESE, BE-223.
FONTRODONA, J. (2023). Marshall Bradley en Hoffman & Lucas (C). IESE, BE-224.
SAMILA, S., BERRONE, P., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2023). OpenAI and the Large Language Model Market - Teaching Note. IESE, SMT-144-E.