Publicaciones(22.787 resultados)
VOGEL, R. (2023). No employee left behind: creating a sense of belonging at work. IESE Business School Insight (164), pp. 76-83.
VOGEL, R. (2023). No dejes a nadie atrás. IESE Business School Insight (164), pp. 76-83.
SCHNEIDER, C. (2023). How are you feeling? Ask your computer mouse! IESE Business School Insight (164), pp. 64-71.
SCHNEIDER, C. (2023). ¿Cómo estás? ¡Pregúntale al ratón! IESE (164), pp. 64-71.
JOHNSON, R. (2023). A Note to Investors Who Are New to Search Funds. IESE, OP-630-E.
LAVERGNE, G., SIMON, J., YODER, A. (2023). EBItDA. Tax Strategy as Capital Allocation Consideration in Entrepreneurial Acquisitions. IESE.
ANTÓN, M., GINÉ, M., EUFINGER, C., SACCHETTO, S. (2023). HIFU TAOC: Investing in Tech Projects. Introduction to Project Valuation. IESE, F-996-E.
ROURE, J., CABALLERO MEDINA, L. (2023). Informe Business Angels 2023. La inversión en startups : actividad y tendencias.
SAMILA, S., BERRONE, P. (2023). OpenAI and the Large Language Model Market. IESE, SM-1742-E.
MARKAKIS, M. G., ORFANOUDAKI, A. (2023). Revenue Management at Albatros Spa Resort Hotel. IESE, OIT-21-E.
THOMAS, L. D. W., TEE, R. (2023). Generativity: driving the promise of generative AI. The European Business Review, pp. 18-23.
JOHNSON, R. (2023). Nova Capital. IESE, E-235.
JOHNSON, R. (2023). Nova Capital. IESE, E-235-E.
SAMILA, S., BERRONE, P. (2023). OpenAI y el mercado de los grandes modelos de lenguaje. IESE, SM-1742.
GARCÍA-CASTRO, R. (2023). Business analytics Python. Independently published.
THOMAS, L. D. W., LEIPONEN, A. E., KOUTROUMPIS , P. (2023). Profiting from data. In Cennamo, C.; Dagnino, G. B.; and F. Zhu (Eds.), Research Handbook on Digital Strategy (pp. 255–272). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
APARICIO, D., ECKLES, D., KUMAR, M. (2023). Algorithmic pricing and consumer sensitivity to price variability.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2023). Persona-masa, un pulso delicado. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2023). Qué sentido tiene. Expansión.
GIL, R., HO, C.-Y., XU, L., ZHOU, Y. (2023). Vertical Integration and market foreclosure in media markets. Evidence from the Chinese motion picture industry. The Journal of Law and Economics.