Publicaciones(23.156 resultados)
TERRACCIANO, T., JAUNIN, C., SOMOZA, L. (2023). Are green funds for real?. 2023 EEA-ESEM Congress (European Economic Association).
HEAVEY, C., SIMSEK, Z., FOX, B. C., ADNER, R., ALTMAN, E. J., ALEXY, O. T., BURGERS, H., SNIHUR, Y., NAMBISAN, S., ... ZAHRA, S. A. (2023). Strategic leadership of business ecosystems. Charting a new frontier of research. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Boston 2023. Academy of Management.
NECKEBROUCK, J., EDDLESTON, K. A. (2023). Gender, entrepreneurship and the structuring of employee compensation. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Boston 2023. Academy of Management Proceedings.
FLANKOVA, S., NECKEBROUCK, J. (2023). Irresponsible families. Analysis of greenwashing in family firms. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Boston 2023. Academy of Management Proceedings.
WOIKE, J. K., KANNGIESSER, P., HERTWIG, R., HAFENBRÄDL, S. (2023). Political polarization shapes risk-taking in a simulated pandemic outbreak. SPUDM 2023 (Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making).
VILLANUEVA, J., BALMASEDA, C. (2023). Refrescando la marca propia en Orbed - Nota del instructor. IESE, MT-50.
GODECHOT, O., NEUMANN, N., APASCARITEI, P., BOZA, I., HALLSTEN, M., HENRIKSEN, L., HERMANSEN, A., HOU, F., JUNG, J., KODAMA, N., KŘÍŽKOVÁ, A., LIPPÉNYI, Z., ELVIRA, M., MELZER, S. M., MUN, E., SABANCI, H., SOENER, M., ... THANING, M. (2023). Ups and downs in finance, ups without downs in inequality. Socio-Economic Review, 21 (3), 1601–1627. doi:10.1093/ser/mwac036.
MAGOMEDOVA, N., VILLAESCUSA, N., MANRESA, A. (2023). Exploring the landscape of university-affiliated venture funds. An archetype approach. Venture Capital, 25 (3), 317-349. doi:10.1080/13691066.2022.2163001.
KOZHAKHMET, S., ROFCANIN, Y., NURGABDESHOV, A., LAS HERAS, M. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of psychological contract research: current status development and future research directions. International Journal of Manpower, 44 (5), 918-935. doi:10.1108/IJM-01-2021-0009.
KÁGANER, E., GREGORY, R. W., SARKER, S. (2023). A Process for managing digital transformation. An organizational inertia perspective. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24 (4), 1005-1030. doi:10.17705/1jais.00819.
APARICIO, D., RIGOBON, R. (2023). Quantum prices. Journal of International Economics, 143, Article 103770. doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2023.103770.
ESTRADA, J. (2023). Multifactor funds. An early (bearish) assessment. Journal of Asset Management, 24 (4), 299-311. doi:10.1057/s41260-023-00314-3.
PARMAR, R., PETERS , M., THOMAS, L. D. W. (2023). What Is responsible computing? Harvard Business Review.
BOULONGNE, R., SAMILA, S., SINGH, P., WEHRHEIM, D. (2023). Nikon. IESE, SM-1741-E.
ESTRADA, J. (2023). Retirement planning: is one number enough? Journal of Financial Planning, 36 (7), 64-81.
VACCARO, A. (2023). A letter to my former professor. IESE, BE-219-E.
VACCARO, A. (2023). A letter to my former professor - Teaching Note. IESE, BET-28-E.
VELILLA, M., PALENCIA, L. (2023). The Larsen Company (A). A purchasing decision. IESE, ASN-100-E.
VELILLA, M., PALENCIA, L. (2023). The Larsen Company (B). What ChatGPT would do. IESE, ASN-101-E.
SOLER, E., VELILLA, M. (2023). Cipriani & Lombardi. IESE, ASN-102-E.