Publicaciones(22.787 resultados)
GALDON-SANCHEZ, J., GIL, R., HOLUB, F., URIZ-UHARTE, G. (2023). Social benefits and private costs of driving restriction policies. The Impact of Madrid central on congestion, pollution and consumer spending. Journal of the European Economic Association, 21 (3), 1227-1267. doi:10.1093/jeea/jvac064.
EICHFELDER, S., JACOB, M., SCHNEIDER, K. (2023). Do tax incentives affect investment quality? Journal of Corporate Finance, 80, 102403. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2023.102403.
PACHECO, D. (2023). How social movements catalyse entrepreneurship in emerging industries such as green energy. World Economic Forum.
PINHEIRO SAURIN, L., PRATS, M. J. (2023). Findasense (B). Una nueva vía para escalar el negocio. IESE, E-238.
VERGARA, C., ÁLVAREZ, L., MAYORDOMO, S. (2023). Climate Risk, Soft Information, and Credit Supply. Third Catalan Economic Society Conference (CESC).
ANTÓN, M., EDERER, F., GINÉ, M., SCHMALZ, M. (2023). Innovation. The Bright side of common ownership?. 2023 Global Corporate Governance Colloquium.
ZAFFARONI, P., RAPONI, V. (2023). Dissecting anomalies in conditional asset pricing. 15th Annual SoFiE Conference.
RAPONI, V., ZAFFARONI, P. (2023). Dissecting anomalies in conditional asset pricing. 10th Asset Pricing Workshop.
RAPONI, V., ZAFFARONI, P. (2023). Dissecting anomalies in conditional asset pricing. 58th Annual Conference of the Western Finance Association.
RAPONI, V., UPPAL, R., ZAFFARONI, P. (2023). Should one diversify unsystematic risk?. 10th Asset Pricing Workshop.
LEE, Y.-T. (2023). Seeking commonality while preserving difference. A Dynamic balancing approach for leading across cultures. In Baumann Montecinos, J.; Grünfelder, T. and Wieland, J. (Eds.), A Relational view on cultural complexity. Relational economics and organization governance. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
LINARES, C., SELLIER, A.-L., HASSIN, R. R. (2023). The Brands in our facial appearance. La Londe Conference 2023.
ARIÑO, M. A. (2023). A way to measure economic uncertainty. Industry Studies Association 2023 Annual Conference.
BAI, Y., FELDMAN, J., SEGEV, D., TOPALOGLU, H., WAGNER, L. (2023). Assortment optimization under the multi-purchase multinomial logit choice model. Operations Research. doi:10.1287/opre.2023.2463.
ALEGRE, I., ARIÑO, M. A. (2023). Ethics and learning in organizations. In Poff, Deborah C. and Michalos, Alex C. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
ERERDI, C., WANG, S., ROFCANIN, Y., LAS HERAS, M. (2023). Understanding flexibility i-deals. Integrating performance motivation in the context of Colombia. PERSONNEL REVIEW, 52 (4), 1094-1109. doi:10.1108/PR-08-2019-0419.
GALDINO, K. M., ELLIS, K. M., LAMONT, B. T., ARIÑO, A. (2023). Institutional determinants of ownership stake in cross‐border acquisitions in Africa. The moderating role of geographic distance. Thunderbird International Business Review, 65 (3), 311-323. doi:10.1002/tie.22329.
WAGNER, L., CALVO, E., AMORIM, P. (2023). Better Together! The Consumer Implications of Delivery Consolidation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25 (3), 903-920. doi:10.1287/msom.2023.1200.
ANTÓN, M., EDERER, F., GINÉ, M., SCHMALZ, M. (2023). Common ownership, competition, and top management incentives. Journal of Political Economy, 131 (5), 1294 – 1355. doi:10.1086/722414.
ANTÓN, M., EDERER, F., GINÉ, M., PELLEGRINO, B. (2023). Mergers and acquisitions under common ownership. AEA Papers and Proceedings (pp. 294-298). American Economic Association.