Publicaciones(23.156 resultados)
REICHE, S., GUZMÁN, F. (2023). Can you understand me? Relating English language fluency and voice behavior in multinational employees. How You Voice Matters: Exploring Different Voice Types and Voice-Related Outcomes. Academy of Management Proceedings.
GHEMAWAT, P., REICHE, S. (2023). National cultural differences and global business. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th Edition) (pp. 145-165). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
REICHE, S., LEE, Y.-T. (2023). UWA ODE. Embracing life and career across cultures. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (pp. 196-203). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
MENDENHALL, M. E., ODDOU, G., REICHE, S. (2023). The Expatriate performance appraisal conundrum. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (pp. 230-242). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
LEE, Y.-T., REICHE, S., SÁNCHEZ-RUNDE, C. (2023). Haier India. Aiming for market leadership. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (pp. 399-410). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
REICHE, S., LIAO, Y. (2023). Nestlé's Alliance for YOUth. Part A. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (pp. 499-504). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
REICHE, S., LIAO, Y. (2023). Nestlé's Alliance for YOUth. Part B. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (pp. 505-512). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
EVANS, P., PUCIK, V., BJORKMAN, I., REICHE, S. (2023). Putting the challenges of International Human Resource Management into historical perspective. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (pp. 3-25). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
ROTTENSTREICH, Y., MARKLE, A., MÜLLER-TREDE, J. (2023). Risky sure things. Management Science, 69 (8), 4707-4720. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2022.4590.
GARUD, R., SNIHUR, Y., THOMAS, L. D. W., PHILLIPS, N. (2023). The Dark side of entrepreneurial framing. A Process model of deception and legitimacy loss. Academy of Management Review. doi:10.5465/amr.2022.0213.
VELMER, S., RAMUS, T., VACCARO, A. (2023). Union with diverging goals. How collaboration unfolds if partners are driven by heterogeneous logics. In Academy of Management (Ed.), Academy of Management Proceedings.
REICHE, S., STAHL, G. K., MENDENHALL, M. E., ODDOU, G. (2023). Introduction: Christine Tseng’s journey through difficult international HRM terrain. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (pp. xxiii-xxxii). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
DATTEE, B. A., THOMAS, L. D. W., AUTIO, E. (2023). The Limits of Innovation Ecosystem Strategy: A Demand-side View. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Boston 2023. Academy of Management Proceedings.
DE VITO, A., JACOB, M. (2023). The Role of creditor protection in lending and tax avoidance. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 58 (5), 2096-2130. doi:10.1017/S0022109022001144.
HEALES, K., SHANTZ, A., PACHECO, D., BARIN CRUZ, L., ZIETSMA, C. E. (2023). How institutional logics influence growth. A Field experiment with Tunisian women entrepreneurs. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Boston 2023. Academy of Management Proceedings.
PRADO, A. M., SÁNCHEZ-GÓMEZ, J. I., CASAMITJANA, N., ESPRIU, M., KUMAR, P., NGOYE, B., BÄRNIGHAUSEN, T., ... ROSENMÖLLER, M. (2023). Building management and innovation capabilities for global health. a senior executive program. Frontiers in Public Health, 11. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2023.1053745.
WOIKE, J. K., HAFENBRÄDL, S. (2023). Over-harvesting like there is no tomorrow. Evidence from dilemma-free common pool games. SPUDM 2023 (Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making).
ROSSIGNAC-MILON, M., MATZ, S. (2023). Shared Reality Predicts Prosocial Behavior, Work Meaningfulness, and Job Performance. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
COPESTAKE, A., FURCERI, D., CHE, N., TERRACCIANO, T. (2023). The Crypto cycle and US monetary policy. Econbrowser.
TERRACCIANO, T., COPESTAKE, A., CHE, N. X., FURCERI, D. (2023). The Crypto cycle and US monetary policy. Workshop on “Recent Developments and Future Prospects of the International Monetary System”.