Publicaciones(23.171 resultados)
TÀPIES, J. (2019). Family-owned firms: The role of the board of directors, family council and family office. In Caldart, A., Ricart, J.E. and Carrera, A. (Eds), General Management in Latin and Ibero American Organizations: A Humanistic Perspective. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
CALDART, A., CARRERA, A., CORNEJO, M. (2019). The agenda of the chief executive officer. In Caldart, A., Ricart, J.E. and Carrera, A. (Eds), General Management in Latin and Ibero American Organizations: A Humanistic Perspective. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2019). Lo bueno nunca muere. Expansión, Madrid.
HUETE, L. M. (2019). Prólogo. En Huete&Co (Ed.), Vitaminas y vacunas para la empresa de hoy (pp. 13 - 18). Madrid: EIUNSA. Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias S.A.
MEHTA, K., STEIN, G. (2019). Cómo negociar a varias bandas con eficacia. Harvard Deusto Business Review (290), pp. 6 - 16.
PRATS, J., SIOTA, J. (2019). How corporations can better work with startups.. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles.
LADA, A., PEYSAKHOVICH, A., APARICIO, D., BAILEY, M. (2019). Observational data for heterogeneous treatment effects with application to recommender systems. EC '19: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (pp. 199-213). New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery.
SAMILA, S., KONING, R., FERGUSON, J.-P. (2019). Researcher gender and gendered research. Inventor-pool composition and the disease impact of biomedical innovations. Barcelona GSE Summer Forum. Economics of Science and Innovation. Barcelona: Barcelona School of Economics.
SNIHUR, Y., WIKLUND, J. (2019). Searching for innovation. Product, process, and business model innovations and search behavior in established firms. Long Range Planning, 52 (3), 305-325. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2018.05.003.
ANTÓN, M., EDERER, F., GINÉ, M., SCHMALZ, M. (2019). Common ownership, competition, and top management incentives. 54th Annual Conference of the Western Finance Association.
KUMAR, A., SACCHETTO, S., VERGARA, C. (2019). Stock comovement and financial flexibility. AREUEA 2019 International Conference.
MUÑOZ-SECA, B. (2019). How to Get Things Right. A Guide to Finding and Fixing Service Delivery Problems. Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan.
TAPIA, A., RICART, J. E., RODRÍGUEZ PLANAS, M., MARTÍNEZ, S., BERNARDO, V. (2019). The Economic Impact of Bike Sharing in European Cities. IESE.
STEINDORSSON, E., KLUETER, T. M. (2019). Local Salad: ¿de fresco a rancio? IESE, E-201.
BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E., DUCH, A., CARRASCO, C. (2019). Índice IESE Cities in Motion 2019. IESE.
KLUETER, T. M., SOLER, E. (2019). RELE Rouen: Language Immersion in Normandy (B). The Family Council. IESE, ASN-79-E.
ELVIRA, M., VISINTIN, S. (2019). Índice de Dinamismo Laboral Meta4 IDL, Mayo de 2019. 10ª edición. IESE.
BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E. (2019). Top 5 Europa Occidental.
BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E. (2019). Top 5 Europa oriental.
BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E. (2019). Top 5 Oriente Medio.