Publicaciones(23.133 resultados)
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., JOSÉ PEREZ (2024). Basetis: Is it possible to operate without a CEO? (A). The leadership of the future: self-management as a management system. IESE, DPOI-4-E.
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Basetis: diseñanado un sistema salarial para une empresa sin jefes (B). IESE, DPOI-7.
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Basetis: diseñanado un sistema salarial para une empresa sin jefes (A). IESE, DPOI-6.
SÁEZ DE TEJADA CUENCA, A., FERRARO, F. (2024). Business school teaching case study. Can the fashion industry be more sustainable? Financial Times, UK.
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Basetis: designing a salary system for a company without bosses (A). IESE, DPOI-6-E.
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Basetis: designing a salary system for a company without bosses (B). IESE, DPOI-7-E.
RUIZ-ALBA, J. L., CHINCHILLA, N. (2024). House of Money. IESE, DPO-854-E.
SÁEZ DE TEJADA CUENCA, A., DHINGRA, V. (2024). Financial penalties and responsible operations. Theory and evidence from the mining sector. 5th European Technology and Operations Management Day.
DAVILA, J., ELVIRA, M., KADACH, I., ORMAZABAL, G. (2024). ESG pay in family firms. Examining CEO affiliation and governance practices. IFERA 2024 (International Family Enterprise Research Association).
KADACH, I. (2024). Assessing CEO compensation and governance practices in family-owned businesses with an ESG focus. BFFI - ECGI Conference 2024.
CAPDEVILLE PÉREZ, C., DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2024). Enersis: una turbulenta ampliación de capital (A). El rol de la comunicación en operaciones financieras. IESE, DPO-864.
FERRARO, F., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2024). GANNI's New Skin: Towards Responsible Fashion - Teaching note. IESE, SMT-150-E.
SPANN, M., BERTINI, M., KOENIGSBERG, O., ZEITHAMMER, R., APARICIO, D., CHEN , Y., FANTINI, F., JIN, G., MORWITZ, V., LESZCZYC, P., ... VITORINO, M. (2024). Algorithmic pricing. Implications for consumers, managers, and regulators (No. w32540). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
CAPDEVILLE PÉREZ, C., DE LA CIERVA, Y. (2024). Enersis: una turbulenta ampliación de capital (B). El rol de la comunicación en operaciones financieras. IESE, DPO-865.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2024). Polarización identitaria.. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2024). Sabiduría de un científico. Expansión.
ÁLVAREZ DE MON, S. (2024). Una Alternativa a la Mediocridad. Expansión.
DAI, J., ORMAZABAL, G., PEÑALVA, F., RANEY, R. (2024). Imposing sustainability disclosure on investors. Does it lead to portfolio decarbonization?
KRYSCYNSKI, D., NECKEBROUCK, J. (2024). Which employees capture the rents? Understanding variance in employee rent capture across and within firms and occupations. SMS Special Conference 2024.
HUANG, T., KUMAR, A., SACCHETTO, S., VERGARA, C. (2024). Stock comovement and financial flexibility. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59 (3), 1141-1184. doi:10.1017/S0022109022001338.