Publicaciones(23.171 resultados)
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R. (2019). Sánchez, Iglesias: ni contigo, ni sin ti, tienen mis males remedio. El Economista, Barcelona.
STEIN, G. (2019). La digitalización como arma de destrucción masiva. El Diario.
CANELA, M. Á., ALEGRE, I., IBARRA, A. (2019). Quantitative Methods for Management: A Practical Approach. Berlin: Springer.
VIVES, X. (2019). Política y bancos centrales. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
BOLTON, P., CECCHETTI, S., DANTHINE, J.-P., VIVES, X. (2019). How to Keep Central Banks Independent. The Edge, Singapore.
NUENO, P. (2019). Excavando. La Vanguardia, Barcelona.
PIN ARBOLEDAS, J. R. (2019). Y ahora, ¿qué? ¿Bloqueo o tiempo de respiro? El Economista, Madrid.
DURO, M. (2019). Corporate Governance Insights #8: Corporate criminal liability in Europe: some implications for corporate governance.
GARCÍA-CASTRO, R. (2019). Business Analytics R. Independently published.
ALEGRE, I. (2019). Crowdfunding PDW: Crowdfunding: Moving from Phenomenon-Based to Theory-Building. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
MEHTA, K., MARTÍN, M., STEIN, G. (2019). Daryl McCarthy vs. Audacity Channel (A). Daryl and His Lawyer. IESE, NEG-13-E.
MITCHELL, J., SASTRE BOQUET, I., VROOM, G., CASADESÚS-MASANELL, R. (2019). WWF y Greenpeace: dos estrategias para salvar el océano Ártico. IESE, SM-1677.
WAGNER, L., GÜRBÜZ, M. Ҫ., PARLAR, M. (2019). Is it fake? Using potentially low quality suppliers as back-up when genuine suppliers are unavailable. International Journal of Production Economics, 213, 185-200. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.03.016.
KUMAR, A., SACCHETTO, S., VERGARA, C. (2019). Stock comovement and financial flexibility. 27th Finance Forum, Annual Meeting of the Spanish Finance Association (AEFIN).
YAN, S., FERRARO, F., ALMANDOZ, J. (2019). The Rise of Socially Responsible Investment Funds: The Paradoxical Role of the Financial Logic. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64 (2), 466 - 501. doi:10.1177/0001839218773324.
GÓMEZ PAJARES, A., URRUTIA, J., PALENCIA, L. (2019). Costa Valente. IESE, ASN-72-E.
SASTRE BOQUET, I., OLIVER, X. (2019). Siemens Employer Branding: Who Owns the Brand? (A). IESE, M-1368-E.
ARANDA, C., ARELLANO, J., DÁVILA, A. (2019). Subjective Bonuses and Target Setting in Budget-Based Incentive Contracts. Management Accounting Research, 43, 45 - 60. doi:10.1016/j.mar.2018.07.003.
JOHNSON, R. (2019). Tradetix Limited (B). IESE, E-204-E.
ROSENBERG, M., BERRONE, P., ROUSSEAU, H. E. (2019). Environmental Sensibility and Firm Strategic Actions: How to Become Sustainable While Avoiding Greenwashing. In Caldart, A., Ricart, J.E. and Carrera, A. (Eds), General Management in Latin and Ibero American Organizations: A Humanistic Perspective. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.